Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gone missing, Basic Bike mechanics

Tom is aware of my periodic going missing. It would seem this is one as far as Fogbee activity is concerned. Work and out of town family visits. My schedule really lightens up after Christmas, just in time for really fowl weather. Which means Jan will be a good time for Bryan and I to deliver on our promised basic bike service session. A couple of things before we make specific plans.

1. Is there any interest.?

2. If so, what do you want presented? Basic stuff like puncture repair, chain lube, barrel adjustments? More advance like truing a wheel, headset adjustment, replacing the chain, cables or brake pads? Really advanced stuff like headset, bottom bracket and hub service.

Please respond as our plans to do or not, and what and where will depend on the response.

Merry Christmas,



Doug_D said...

I am interested in learning as much as possible. I already know the basic tire stuff, changing/lubing the chain, and truing wheels.
Of general interest I would be interested in a matrix of when and to what maintenance should be done. On the actual "doing" I guess I would be interested in the more advanced stuff of cable replacement, wheel bearings, bottom bracket etc. I am sure there are others that want to just do the basics and you may need to do several sessions.

GARY said...

I'll take the full course meal

Nik the Stik said...

Point me to the smorgasbord that has all the goodies!

Some stuff I know, but some of which I have an 'book understanding', I haven't done before.

Is there a primer on how to properly fall off of a bike?

Goodness knows I definitely need that one.

Ed T said...

Although I will not be able to attend, the fully loaded course would be for me. As a thought, and this may be beyond the scope of what you intend, a documented instruction that could be made available on the web site would be great. Perhaps video sessions or at least an instruction manual? Bruce could even produce a series like "The Bikewright" or "This Old Bike".

Tom_E said...

How about "multiple session" with a YouTube videos per topic for future reference? I know we have a lot of interest.

Tom_E said...
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coastdownhills said...

There are already numerous articles on the web that are much better then I could do. Google "Jim Langley bike repair" for probably the best starting point. The London cycle advocay group has an excellent primer except for consistently mispelling tire. Sheldon Brown, Ken Kifer, and John Forestor all have some advanced topics that I refer to when entering new territory. And of course it's back to Bikers Choice for a chat with one of the real experts and a purchase of an updated repair manual when I buy new gear. That would be three times in 20 years for me.

My idea is to give folks an opportuity to get grease on their hands, or gloves for the fastidious, while gaining confidence in their ability to do about anything on their own specific bike they have the time and tools for. And to get hands on experience with some of those tools. I see no reason we could not have multiple sessions and if someone wants to document and post them, that would be great. The main obsticle I see is finding a common time and place for multiple sessions.

Tom_E said...

I think Greg would welcome us on a Saturday afternoon at Big Looy's, especially if we get a good turn-out. It would help his business.

GARY said...

Bruce. I'd say david hardin would say ok at his shop

GARY said...

Bruce. I'd say david hardin would say ok at his shop

coastdownhills said...

Good Idea about David Hardin. I had not considered it but should work well if he's ok with it. Perhaps the first session at BL's for cleaner stuff and elsewhere for the messy stuff. Bryan hasn't weighed in yet and we need to confer before getting to specific.

Christy said...

Basic stuff would be a good start for me, but I'll hang in there for the rest of whatever you wish to present.

bkortness said...

A couple of ideas about the class. I would propose we start with a basics class where we cover "on the road" repairs...these are the things people need to know if they have a breakdown on route(flat tires, brake adjustments, truing a wheel with a broken spoke well enough to get home, barrel adjustments to fix derailleurs, etc...). Then we could start with a 2nd class that would cover basic home maintenance...changing chains, replacing cables, explaining torque specs, brake pad replacement, adjusting saddle and handlebars for proper fit. If after these two classes were finished, we could see how many people wanted to take an advanced style class where we could completely break a bike down and do a complete overhaul. We need to do this one step at a time so everyone learns how to do everything correctly and noone feels overwhelmed with too much information.
I would not recommend having these at Big Looy's due to the fact that other customers would probably not enjoy a bunch of bicyclists working on bikes while they are eating along with the fact that with the TVs playing in the place, it could be distracting to us. David's place would be fine...I would probably think that he would want to involve Travis in this at that point and we would probably have to pay a nominal fee to have the class there(Travis used to teach a class at Cumberland Transit when he ran the shop cost $75 or so and they gave you a full day's class on bicycle maintenance). I also worry about us stepping on David's toes on this one since people learning some of these skills might take away a part of his business.
I mentioned to Bruce that I have a garage that could hold a class with 10 people and bikes if we needed to use it. I am open for anything and ready to go when you guys want to do this though.

Mike Poole said...

I need all the "learnin" that i can get. Thanks so much for offering the time and energy!

coastdownhills said...

I agree with Bryan's outline completely. Big Looy's is a consideration only for the more basic stuff that could be done with minimal mess and only if we can get exclusive use for the first part of the course. All the more advanced stuff will need to be elsewhere.
I'll check with David Hardin but doubt he will object much. My learning curve has been slow and probably actually created work for him. Also, despite having the tools and talent to do about everything on my bikes, one of them goes to David for a full overhaul once a year. Knowing you can fix almost anything but a broken frame is a real confidence booster but no substitute for a real wrench. Doing it makes one appreciate what a bargain a Biker's Choice tune up is.