Thursday, December 18, 2008

Randy Has Serious Heart Attack

Have some bad news for you all. Randy has suffered a major heart attack and is in the hospital CVICU in Huntsville. He had a 100% block in his left descending artery which they put two stints in, and is having a terrible time with the sedation they have him on. I heard today thata he has two more blocks that are not the cause of the CVI but they need to be tended to as well. they are waiting to gt him awake and coherent enuf to run more tests. He's fighting all the way, so they have him restrained. Will most likely be spending Christmas in hospital, maybe hopefully in a room not CVICU where visitation is very limited.

Keep Randy in your prayers. He thinks our group is a hoot! (we are!) :o)

. . . Donna

12/20/08 Update: Randy came off the respirators today.


monsieur cannonball said...

Donna, let Randy know that the Monterey maniacs are pulling for him to recover. Lord knows that we are all only a heartbeat from where he is. He's blessed to have your friendship at such a difficult time.

Donna said...

Update on Randy,
Randy had been taken off the vent on Friday evening and was awake and aware, however, his lungs began to fill up with fluid (most probably because his heart wasn't ready/strong enuf yet, to pump the fluid through), so he was put back on the vent. He is making slow progress, but is making progress! They are slowly trying to wean him off the vent again, taking it slower this time (I hope). His stats look pretty good for now, and it working hard to come back to us. He opened his eyes today and smiled at me, squoze my hand and even tried to talk! (Hard to do with a vent and bite plate in your mouth). He is still restrained, but for good reason. Everytime he wakes out of sedation, he is less and less combative with the fight/flight theme. Later today he even nodded and shoke his head in response to jokes being made about his beloved Gators! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. He continues to improve, we're just looking to get him off the vent at this time and recover from this first incident before medical management can go forward.
will show him the shirt when I can get eyes open for longer than 5 minutes! :o)

Donna said...

Latest Update on Randy 12/22/08:
Holding his own! Tolerating the sedation change much better! (Propofol for those who know what that is) He's been awake and semi alert many times during visits. Can answer yes and no questions with pretty good accuracy. Still on vent at this time...weaning him off slowly this time. Dr said there was a good possibility that if we get rid of this aspiration pnuemonia, his heart issue could be managed medically (drugs) and with the stents! Wouldn't that be wonderful. Thanks for all the prayers and good biker thoughts you're sending his way. It means alot to him (and to me!) You guys are a great group! Glad I got to join in :o)!
Oh, "Monsienior Cannonball", I relayed your comment to Randy and he smiled! Many times while he is sedated his feet are just going like he is riding up those hills on the Monterey trip, (of course not the last one, as we took the "out clause" that day! LOL!
Will give more updates as good things happen! :o)

coastdownhills said...

Great to hear he is doing better. Lets hope the pneumonia is the main problem as it is much more amenable to treatment. After your last post all I could think was "Damn!" and that made for a poor post.
That kicking motion is excellent for preventing blood clots. The benefits of cycling just never end.
Keep us posted.