Monday, December 22, 2008

Year End Newsletter

Click here for a copy of my version of the FOGBEE Year in review. Please add your comments for the many things that I probably overlooked.


Doug_D said...

Tom - Thanks, the Kudos are very gratifying. I want to point out to all the group the tremendous contribution you have made to the group through the blog, the continual web site maintenance and your significant contribution to getting the Jersey finalized and done. You have been there for assistance on all the tours and it was your idea to start the Lite ride that has blossomed into the real growth in the group and many new friends. I also want to thank Bob Glutting,Bryan Kortness, Dave Miley, Tom Benim and others who have taken ride leadership. I really have enjoyed planning and leading rides, but admittedly everyone needs a break. For this help and leadership I am grateful. You (Tom) have summed it up in the newsletter. I do want to say how much I have personally enjoyed Bruces rides, and his teachings about bike maintenance. I have also enjoyed all the parties and the second season of FOG-GARY spin. The group has provided me with some really good friendships that would not have formed without riding. This fraternity could not exist without all you FOGBEES and I am grateful for the opportunity to ride with you.


coastdownhills said...

Tom is entirely too modest regarding his contribution to the Fogbees. Everything he attributed to me was a result of Tom's having the idea, encouraging the process, and polishing the final product.
The enthsiasm of the entire group is still a marvel to me. For years, aside from racing, adult cycling was so marginalized the idea of so many like minded people was unimaginable. A variation of the quote "I'd not be a member of a group that would have me." That's no longer true.
Each of us play a vital role. Doug who makes sure something is routinely done most of the year and Gary who keeps the interest up all year round, but especially in these dreary months when many cyclists fade away. Dave Miley seems to by magic always be there when needed. Newcomers Bryan, Bob, and Tim brought new ideas and vastly expanded the appeal of the group. That Lisa and Phil drive from Springfield to join us is a testament to that. Damn, I'v e gotten into the naming trap. Well, to all not mentioned, none of this would happen without a lot of people crawling out of bed andriding on many days they'd just as soon lie abed. It's so good to be out of the wilderness

monsieur cannonball said...

Bless us each and every one !

It's been so fine that if I had to stop riding right now, I'd still be happy.

May the new year bring us together as in the year past.

Tom, thanks for the memories.