Monday, March 8, 2010

Silver Comet - Postponed - the Facts

I have held off postponing this ride to poll the interests and see if someone would step up to complete the initially planned ride. So far no takers. Most FOGBEES I have talked with are OK with postponing. Truth is I have blown my knee and have to have surgery on 3-26, so I won't be back on my bike full time until June. I will post a survey again and we WILL DO THIS RIDE in 2010, just later in the year, which will probably be better as people will be in prime condition. Feel free to contact me with your comments.


coastdownhills said...

Sorry about your knee but later in the year is also better for me.

Scott Mena said...

Doug, If you want me to take this over I will. I would maybe look at doing it as a prequel to the Jack. Let me know

Nancy_P said...

Later is fine with me.

Anne said...

It would prob. be better for us too. May gets pretty busy for us. Hope your knee recovery is speedy. Enjoy riding with you.

monsieur cannonball said...

I am definitely up for later as I will be rehabing Doug in the pool. Let's get those fins flippin' buddy :)~~