Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Yes, We Are Triathletes!!!"

All 7 of us and our two coaches had a great time in McMinnville today. As they said to us at the finish line, "you are now Triathletes". Congratulations to Dolly for winning her age category. Mike Kelleher finished 3rd (He was only 27 sec from first Place in his category), and the rest of us finished. Rhonda had her best swim time and,yes, she finished before Bob. Bob, Nancy and Phil all crossed the finish line at the same time, followed closely by Carla. We had a great time and accomplished our goal; we all finished ahead of our predicted times. Plans are already in progress for next year, so please plan on joining us in 2011.

Congrats to Triathletes!

Congratulations to FOGBEES in their first Triathlon - next year Tour de France

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Register for Jack 'n Back

Today is World MS Day

Today only, you can register for the Jack Daniel's "Bike to Jack & Back" Bike MS Ride for only $8.40! From now until midnight, use this extremely important day to register to improve the quality of life of people affected by MS!

Visit FOGBEE registration website HERE and enter Discount Code: WorldMS

(Please note, you must first login to your account before you enter the discount code!)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

FOGBEES 2 :: Mountain 0

Happy to report that Jennifer and I finished the Assault on Mount Mitchell; cold, wet, exhausted, but still pedaling.

No walking , not last, total time under 12 hours. (It takes a long time to go 20 miles at 4 mph!)
Jennifer did have a near-disaster when she was struck with an improperly secure load on a truck
(looked like a 16 inch plastic culvert being dragged) Two other bikes were tagged as well, but luckily no one went down. The driver evidently was completely oblivious.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bicyclist Gets a Ticket in the Hospital

I thought I would share this report because I have seen so many bicyclists break this law. This report is from Washington DC, but the law prohibiting a vehicle from passing another on the RIGHT is part of the Uniform Vehicle Code and applies in Tennessee.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Traffic Skills 101

Even if you aren't out to become a League Certified Instructor for bicycling, it always helps to know the basics. Take this FREE On-line Bicycle Eduction Course provided by the League of American Bicyclists. If there is enough interest, maybe we can wrap it up with the road test and lots of LCI's in the FOGBEES.

Six Days Until The McMinnville Sprint Triathlon

We had four Fogbees get together on Saturday for a practice run at our upcoming triathlon, and I am glad to say we all finished. We will have at least 6 Fogbees participating in this event on 5/29/2010. Below are several links for information on the event and some tips for beginners.

McMinnville Triathlon page

Tips for beginners

Setting up a transition area

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Albums on FOGBEE Photo Web

Lots of new pictures in the FOGBEE Photo Store. Ride of Silence 2010, Mont Bell SP 2010, Graffiti Road 2010 G1, Graffiti Road 2010 G2, Greenway 2010 , plus several smaller albums.
Thanks to those taking pictures and sharing on our Shutterfly Web Site.
Recent add Tour de Cure 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Greenway Cleanup: Saturday 5/22/10

I intercepted the following note from Pat Clements ( on the Harpeth Bike Club Listserv. I will post more info as I hear it.

Folks, as some of you may have heard, the greenways are a total mess. Since much of the Tour de Nash route relies on the greenways, it has been postponed this year. Substituting the event next Saturday, Walk/Bike Nashville has taken on a fairly monumental task of cleaning up several locations:
1. Shelby Bottoms Greenway north of the Two Rivers pedestrian bridge.
2. Stones River Greenway between Lebanon Road and Percy Priest Dam.

These areas are geographically dispersed and difficult to access with shovels, coolers and such. We have several areas that need heavy cleaning on Stones River, and we're assessing our Shelby section, probably tomorrow.

If you want to just volunteer, and you have a flat-blade shovel and gloves, (and you're not riding the Tour de Cure) more details are coming in the next day or so on exactly what to bring, where to meet, etc. And let your friends know. (We're probably going to rendezvous at Kohl's on Lebanon Road at 8:00 and distribute forces from there.)

Congratulations to Tennessee

TEAM TENNESSEE scores a big gain in League of American Bicyclists ranking of the most Bicycle Friendly States. The 19-point jump in position relative to other states is unprecedented and recognizes that we're trying to do something right. Follow this link for all the details.

Ride of Silence - Nashville

Distance: 7.4 miles
WHO: Anyone with a bicycle and a helmet
WHERE: Centennial Park main entrance off West End Ave in Nashville ROUTE MAP on May 19, 2010 at 7PM. More info click here

Endorsed by Congressman Earl Blumenauer, 3rd District, Oregon, one of the two most famous bicycling congressmen in Washington, DC. Read his "Be Bike Partisan" for his Web page for what Earl continues to do on behalf of bicyclists in the USA. Pictures from 2009

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Joey Holland

Hey everyone,
I know a lot of you know Joey so I wanted to share this with you all. He was involved in a very serious crash yesterday at our race event in McMinnville and due to the extent of his injuries had to be airlifted from the race course to Chattanooga. Some details are below but I would ask that you keep he and his family in your prayers. Frank Bowyer has been in the most contact with him and has been keeping us updated.

Frank Bowyer Update on Joey: Just talked to Joey on the phone. He does not remember the crash...probably symptom of the head injury. Due to the head injury, he is on anti-seizure medication. He will have surgery tomorrow (Sunday) on his broken femur. The femur is broken near the hip socket. After that surgery, the doctors will the broken collar bone. As of now, the doctor is expecting to operate on it, too. He has a slight headache, but he thinks that's mostly attributable to his allergies. His back is fine, no injury there. He will be in Chattanooga at Erlanger (see David Hardin's post) until at least Thursday. When we talked, his boice sounded kind of slurred, so I'm not sure if that's a symptom of his head injury or just how he was laying in his hospital bed. I'll continue to keep you updated as I find out more information. Please continue to keep Joey and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Frank Bowyer Update on Joey: Pretty serious crash during race today in McMinnville. Joey suffered broken collar bone, broken leg, head trauma and possible injury to back. The head trauma was the reason for his transport to Chattanooga. Shelley (his wife) was able to talk to him via phone and he's fine. He, of course, has already as...ked if his bike is that's a "normal" cyclist's response to a crash. Shelley and Jamie are on their way to Chattanooga to be with Joey. Please continue to keep Joey and his family in your prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

Frank Bowyer Several people have expressed interest in visiting Joey while he's in Chattanooga. He's in Erlanger Surgical ICU (Bed #9). They have strict visiting hours and rules. Visiting hours are 4:00am - 5:00am, 10:00am - 11am, 4:00pm - 5:00pm and 8:30pm - 10:00pm. Keep in mind that he'll be in surgery tomorrow, but I don't know... the scheduled surgery time. You might want to call first before going to be sure the hospital is allowing non-family members to visit. The # is 423-778-7000.

Mike Poole

Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 Spring overnight tour May 15,16 to MBSP update, Lite option added.

Web Site UPDATED with Sked's, Maps, and CUE Sheet w/Luggage Plan
LAST UPDATED 8:00A 5/15/10

In keeping with the keep on trucking attitude espoused in the marvelous video in the prior post, the Spring Tour is still on. Ashland City police confirm the roads we plan to take are ok through Ashland City to White Bluff, Stratton's is open for Saturday worst case, there is McDonald's for Sunday. The Riverview is definitely closed to the ride. I've no reason to think Montgomery Bell has any problem.

5/12/2010 UPDATE - Lite Option added
It was great to get out with the gang again today but it showed me how weak I've become after a winter and most of the spring with no riding. Someone expressed concern for riding 60 miles and the idea of a Lite version was born.

1. Long riders: Ride from Sam's Sports Bar at 9:00 am

2. Short riders from H'ville: Convene at Sam's Sports Bar at 10 am and drive to Ashland City. Others leave from wherever and Ashland City Police have given permission to park behind Ashland City Police Station.

3. All: meet at Statton's Diner about 11:30 am for lunch and then ride to MBSP.

4. Need Luggage transport to MBSP? Bring it by my house before 9:30 am Saturday or have at Sams at 10A. Read comments.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Budget CALL TO ACTION for Greenway funding

Governor Bredesen included restoration of the Real Estate Transfer Funds (local and state parks, wet lands and agricultural programs for clean water) in both his FY10 and his supplemental budget proposals. Unfortunately, the counter budget moving through the Senate as again taken those funds to help balance the budget. Without these funds it will be much harder for local cities and counties to create parks for the citizens of Tennessee to be active in.

We need your calls now to your Senator and Representative (you can find them and their contact info at The Message: Restore the Real Estate Transfer Funds to Parks! We need more places for people to be active!

We have been told offices are only counting calls/emails from their own district. You can make the difference in seeing this money returned to Tennessee's citizens as parks or swallowed up in the general budget. Make your contact today.

Chastity H. Mitchell, Esq.
Senior Director, Advocacy

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sharon Baylor death while riding bike

I wanted to let everyone know that I read the articles about this tragic story and wanted to share some information. Sharon Baylor was a very active bike rider in Lincoln County, Tn. and an advocate for riders. She was struck by a pickup truck last week while riding with at least 10 other riders. She was "sweeping" for the group so no one would be left behind. The pickup truck struck her from behind as it rounded a curve and could not see her bc of what is described as a "combination of shade and sun". The group was wearing reflective vests, had lights and helmets but this did not prevent her death. The driver of the pickup will not face any charges. (WHNT NEWS, May 10,2010). Very sadly her husband, Mike, died when he had a heart attack riding bikes in April of this year. What a terrible situation for this family. We have been very fortunate so far but we should not let our guard down about the dangers of bike riding.

Fueling on the Road: Fluid Rules for Cyclists

As a beginning cyclist I "hit the wall" or cramped up on a ride far more than I want to remember. I thought the following might be of interest.

Many cyclists do not fuel properly, and it makes a big difference in performance. Here are the facts and guidelines that every cyclist should know.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tragic Death of Sharon Bayler

This weekend we had the tragic death of Sharon Bayler, 52, in Lincoln County. The Board members of Bike Walk TN are trying to determine how this incident could have been avoided because it doesn't appear anyone involved was at fault. Although accidents still occur when everyone does everything right, please take precautions.
1) Remain alert at all times to traffic on all sides. Use a rear view mirror.
2) Learn to ride as far to the Right as practical. When possible give motorist 3 feet, to pass you.
3) Bicyclist may have the right to be on all non-interstate roads, but that does not mean we should. Choose your routes wisely.
4) Size determines privilege. Bicyclists will loose all battles with motorists. The roads were designed for them, not us. Ride defensively.
5) Always wear clothing that makes you easily seen (e.g. FOGBEE Jersey) and always use lights (front and back) and reflectors when visibility is low.
6) Be extra cautious on routes in which motorist's vision may be impaired by the sun, which in Sharon's case was at 2PM.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sumner County Comprehensive Plan

Take our survey about transportation needs in Sumner County!
Because two of our workshops were canceled last week to discuss transportation issues in Sumner County, we want to make sure we still hear from residents about travel needs. Please take our survey regarding transportation infrastructure in Sumner County. We want to hear from you!
Take the survey>>

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Thanks to Bryan and Gary for a great Graffiti Road ride with a huge turn- out (guess nearly 40) and to Bruce who made sure it is remembered.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Goodlettsville Bike/Ped Plan

The final Goodlettsville Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan will be presented at a public meeting tonight at 5pm at the Goodlettsville City Hall? The plan can be viewed at

Leslie A. Meehan
| Senior Transportation Planner
Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization