Thursday, September 30, 2010

MS to Jack 'n' Back October 2010

- Time to talk strategy !
Please post which ride ( 55 or 75 miler ) you intend to take on the Jack 'n' Back.
Also please post vehicular / bike / rider transportation availability and needs so that we may coordinate our gathering for the event.

Thanks, and keep the fund raising effort up as we rally for MS.


Doug_M said...

I'm doing the 75 miler. I have room for one person, bike, and gear for the ride to Franklin.

Jimmy R. said...

I'm planning on doing the 75 but will need a ride to and from starting point.

Roger S said...

I will be doing the whimpy 55

Mike said...

I am riding 75 on the Jack and 55 on the back.

Mike Knake

James W said...

I will be doing the 75 mile and I can take one person with me.

GARY said...

Will do 75 miles there n not sure about back. I'm full as I have 3 riding with me on Saturday am.

jon cherry said...

I am doing 75 there and back. see you all saturday morning.

Does anyone have a room with double beds that is interested in splitting the room for the night?

Mark H said...

I am doing 55 down and back. Mike "The Machine" Knake riding from WhiteHouse with me. Leaving finish for Titans game Sunday.