Saturday, September 25, 2010

People For Bikes Pledge

In recent years, the bicycle industry has stepped up to support our advocacy and education programs like never before. Much of that leadership has come from Bikes Belong, the industry's advocacy and education organization. We realize that we have a common interest in getting more people on bikes more often and more safely, and we know we need every voice we can muster to have an impact at the Federal, state and local level. That's why I am writing to you today to ask for your help.

 Bikes Belong recently launched a new effort to unite one million voices to improve bicycling in the United States. It simply asks people to sign a pledge in support of biking. The campaign is called, and the goal is to help make our nation a better place to ride by sending a powerful message to our elected leaders, the media, and the public that bicycling is important and should be promoted.

I have signed the pledge. To date, more than 90,000 people across the country have signed the pledge, including Lance Armstrong, Gary Fisher, and bike-friendly Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak.

So please take a moment to visit the website and sign the pledge. It is quick and easy. You will help the future of biking and ultimately you will be enhancing the work of the League. All the campaign needs is your name and email address:

Please ask your friends, family, and fellow riders to sign the pledge, too:

Tim Blumenthal, Bikes Belong's executive director, wrote me to say "Imagine the power of combining the voices of the League members with those of other bicycling organizations as well as those of individuals who have yet to get involved but already love bicycling. If can engage one million people to support bicycling that is safer, more convenient, and more appealing for everyone, Washington will listen. This will boost our platform when the next federal transportation bill finally takes center stage. It will also introduce thousands of pro-bike Americans to our organizations and our important work."

Let's help push the number of signatures over the 100,000 mark THIS WEEK while the industry is gathered in Las Vegas for their annual trade show! Let's show them the League is right behind their work just as they have shown their support for us.


Andy Clarke

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