Friday, May 25, 2012

Kids Tri Volunteers Needed June 3rd

I was talking with Charlene Alcorn on thursday and she is asking for assistance. I hope alot of FOGBEEs are available for the event, be a shame for me to chase you down like a dog ;-)
Course Volunteers are asked to check in with me at the Volunteer table at the band shell by the Parthenon at 7:00am sharp for their course assignments, maps, T-shirts and "snack sacks". We value our Volunteers!

Please have FOGBEE'S who plan to Volunteer for the Nashville Kid's Triathlon go to:
Nashville Kids Triathalon to register to volunteer.
Have them scroll down to fill in the blanks.
For "company/group" type: FOGBEE'S.
Then in the "Comments" block type: Bike Course.
I am the Volunteer Coordinator for this race, so I will be placing all the volunteers that register on the NKT website.
I REALLY appreciate the FOGBEE'S stepping up to staff the bike course! I will use 2-3 FOGBEE'S on bikes. I have an additional 20 Bike Course Volunteer positions available! It will be an awesome site to staff the whole bike course with FOGBEE'S! ...not to mention ya'll would make me look good!
    - Charlene Alcorn
Nashville Kid's Triathlon
Location: Centennial Park
Date: Sunday, June 3, 2012
Time: 8am-11am


Curtis _M said...

After the event is over 10:30 - 11 am we will all group up for a greenway ride and then some chow !

Janice said...

Of course, I will be there. Can't wait!

Mike said...

Sherry and I are in for the Tri and the ride following. Lunch at the Gerst Haus would be great!

Mike Knake

Tango Bravo said...

Marilynn ans I have signed up.