Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rumble on New Hope Road

. . The resurfacing of New Hope (see Phil's picture in an earlier POST) set off alarm bells.  I chased down the Construction Plans for SR-258 and noticed it was included as a HSIP (Hwy Safety Improvement Proj).  To me that signaled RUMBLE.  I have confirmed with TDOT that New Hope is indeed scheduled to be RUMBLED.  In the past couple of days both Bruce and I have written notes to our contact at TDOT expressing the serious potential safety issues to bicyclists for probably the most popular bike route in Sumner County.
. . We plan to continue to try to modify TDOT's plans for New Hope, but I want every bicyclist to be aware of what is in the plans (spread the word!). We are open to ideas.  Once this road is RUMBLED the State has no cost effective way to remove the RUMBLE.


Caledonia said...

Thanks for the alert and staying on top of this. DTI

Tango Bravo said...

That will effectively kill the tiny shoulder that is there now. So glad you guys are on top of this. New hop is a major cycling artery to get just about anywhere North of Hendersonville.

JoHo said...

Now that we know, what can we as individuals do to help stop this?

Miley said...

I suggest contacting Deanna Lambert, Coomunity Relations Offiecr for our region:
phone: 615.741.7736
fax: 615.741.9093

Miley said...

I emailed Deanna.

Miley said...

I emailed Deanna.

Miley said...

I notified Team Biker's Choice.

Kaiser Dawg said...

if they rumble this, we'll have no choice but to ride in the road. Maybe after enough complaining from motorists, they'll (TDOT) add a dedicated shoulder/bike path designation to New Hope. As stated above, this is a major artery for many bikers north of Hendersonville.

Kaiser Dawg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janice said...

Message sent :-)

coastdownhills said...

Tom deserves a lot of praise for staying on top of this. Only repeated requests revealed the plan to rumble some of 258. TDOT considers some of that road to have 4 foot shoulders. With the speed of traffic and the inevitable deterioration of the pavement edge the shoulder is too narrow for any rumble anywhere between Tyree Springs and Drakes Creek road. Ordinarily I suggest also calling or writing our state senator and representative. However we effectively don't have a state senator anymore and my contact with my state rep has been unrewarding. Perhaps we can get the Hendersonville and White House mayors involved. The more voices the better.

JoHo said...

Email has been sent to DeAnna

Doug_D said...

Comment sent to Deanna.