Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fogbee Bike Swap Meet

Tom Benim and I were talking the other night and I mentioned how much extra bike stuff I have laying around my house and this led to the idea of maybe having a Fogbee bike swap meet. I am not sure if the group would have an interest in this, but if anyone else has extra parts, clothing, gear, etc that is just laying around and would like to see if someone else in the club could use it, this may be a good idea. We could treat it like a yard sale where you put a price on your item or just bring it with the idea of maybe trading it out for something else that you could use. We also discussed that maybe after we had finished the swap meet, we could take all the left over parts people didn't want to keep down to the Oasis Center's Bike Shop which teaches and helps underprivileged Nashville youth build their own bikes up from scratch and maintain them with the promise that they then pass that knowledge on to other kids in their community. If this is something the group would have an interest in, I could contact the Biker's Choice team as well as other local, non-club affiliated riders and set up a location where this could be held and invite them to join in with us. Possibly the pavilion at Moss Wright Park or at one of the local Hendersonville parks.

1 comment:

joshlewis21 said...

Tim Hall is having something similiar to this at one of his Saturday crit races on July 21st -