Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bob's Excellent Pool Party - Ride Routes

We will plan on serving lunch around noon. If you are not riding, you can come by any time after 11:00.

It's that time of year again. We will have the 4th annual Fogbee pool party on July 28th. This year we will be having Shane's BBQ for lunch $7 per person to cover lunch. All you will have to provide your drinks. .
Doug Depew will be in charge of Frozen margaritas this year and they will be $20 per bucket. Please see Doug if you would like a bucket.
Here are your Routes (same as 2011), ALL leaving from Bob's house at 8AM.  Ultra-lite (with a later start time TBA) is offered ONLY is there is sufficient interest (must comment).

If you are you are doing the LITE ride, I suggest a starting time of 9AM.  It is our EASY 20 that several of us (Phil, Doug, Janice, Tom) doing on Monday mornings. I'll (Tom_E) do it for those who want to join me and it will be at my EASY casual pace.  I don't recommend the Ultra-Lite.  We added that one for non-riders who wanted bring over their townie bikes and join in with something.


Unknown said...

Kendall and I will be attending and would like to order food. We will bring our own adult beverages. Going to ride long!

Tara said...

Ultra-Lite!!! Anyone? Helllooooo?

Sarah Ritt said...

I think I'm going to hammer out the LITE ride. Who's with me? 15-16mph? Dreaming!

Christy said...

Eddie and I are going to ride long and casual, aka slowly; but don't include us in the food order. We would emjoy company if anyone else wants to ride at a more sedate pace than usual but put in the longer miles. If we can get ourselves moving in the morning we may start a few minutes early as well.

Miley said...

I didn't think I would be able to make it due to family plans, but those have been postponed to noon; so I will be there @ 8 for the long ride.

KJ said...

I'll meet along the route. Might hang out for a bit afterwards, but not sure I'll be eating.