Thursday, July 19, 2012

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 Dear Fogbee's ,
. . The Alzheimer's Association is starting a new cycling tradition in Highland Rim! The inaugural Alzheimer’s Challenge cycling event will be held on November 3rd, 2012.
. . Start/finish at beautiful, historic Old Stone Fort Park in Manchester, TN. Ride features well planned 15 mi, 30 mi and 62 mi routes. There will be pre-ride bike checks; themed, well stocked rest stops manned by enthusiastic volunteers; abundant route markings, sag support; post ride BBQ celebration next to Old Stone’s scenic falls; entertainment; massages; and more. This is going to be a wonderful event to raise awareness and support for Alzheimer's Disease. 
. . You can visit our official website for the event at : We also have a Facebook located at :  with some pictures of the route, as well as more information on involvement. 
. . We would be so honored to have you participate or support this event in any capacity. I can provide literature, fliers, event information that you can give your members or other interested parties. We are so excited for this event, and sincerely hope to hear from you soon!
Riding to find a cure,
Sarah Wood

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