Friday, August 30, 2013

Turtles in Training

Here's for those young turtles who DON'T abide by Bruce's motto, "COAST down hills."

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Turtle Queen Takes a Spill

3 turtles headed out for an early ride this morning.. a few miles in, the turtle queen flipped over.. luckily the other turtles were able to get her upright and she is expected to have full recovery. :) I also hear there are a few pictures... turtles never fail to get pictures. Mike will post those up shortly.


Sherry found a pair of Body Geometry gloves this morning outside her office that someone apparently left after the ride last night.   Let us know if you are missing a pair and we will get them to you.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Biking Motto From Peyto Glacier in Canada

Another Option for September 7th Riding

So many great rides scheduled for the weekend of the 7th.  
We have:
Elk River Valley in Tullahoma
Femme Fondo in Franklin
Makin Macon Fit in Macon Co
and probably others that I'm not aware of.

I've stumbled across another one that sounds pretty good so I thought I'd share.   Just in case any of you are looking for yet ANOTHER option.  :-)

FREE Ride that begins and ends at the Shakertown Village.  (Near Franklin, Ky)
10, 27 & 50 fully sagged, marked routes. Food at rest stops, and post ride refreshments.
After the ride you get free admission to the museum.

GREAT JOB Bruce and Dave

Creation of USBR23 has been a labor of love for Hendersonville volunteers Bruce Day and David Shumaker of Bike/Walk Tennessee, a Nashville [sic] biking nonprofit. Day said the addition of Franklin’s support is crucial because it gives credence to the plan. Plus, he stressed how bicyclists — especially touring cyclists — love to visit Franklin with its mix of country roads and modern amenities such as stores and restaurants.
“If you’re a real rough-and-ready type of cyclist, you still have to stock up and eat,” Day said. “Having a place with a lot of conveniences before you head out to the southern part of Tennessee, where services are few and far between, is important. And it’s a charming place to stay.”
To read more follow newspaper article:

In our August TDOT meeting Jessica Wilson reported 
 US Bike Route 23
Dave Shumaker and Bruce Day of Bike Walk TN have been working closely with TDOT to designate a US Bike Route in TN.  Dave and Bruce rode the route and have met with county mayors for each jurisdiction and received letters of support.  We are waiting on one letter of support which is expected to come in next week and working with TDOT’s Mapping Division to create a detailed route map.  The deadline to submit the application to AASHTO is September 9th.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Helmet Found

A white Mavic helmet was found tonight in the middle of Indian Lake Road by a fellow biker who was passing by in his car.  Unfortunately, by the time he was able to turn around and get back to it, it was demolished by the wheels of a passing car.  :-(

If you're reading this and you've lost a white helmet tonight, I'm so so sorry.  I only post this because if it were my helmet I'd want to know it's whereabouts and would want some kind soul to magically find me so I could get it back.

That kind soul has contacted our group in an attempt to track down an owner.  If you're missing this white helmet, please post and we can get it back to you.  Unfortunately, it won't be in "like new" condition.  

Riding CAN 93 to Jasper

I ran across a couple of friends as we drove from Roosville BC to Jasper Alberta (for more info click here).  These guys were just outside of Many Glacier HotelBicyclists were everywhere.  The jammer drivers thought they were cute with this joke, "What do bears call bicyclists?"  Submit your answer in the Comments.

8/24/13: Nobody guessed correctly. Bears call bicyclists "Meals on Wheels."
Big Thanks!  Praises to the Bike Bell.

Just wanted to take a minute to give a shout out of thanks to the rabbits.  Not sure who it was, (guessing maybe Doug?), but before they raced by us they signaled by giving a bike bell a few rings and passed us with enough room so we didn't feel startled and pushed off the road.  

Honestly, when I first heard the bell, my first thought was an ice cream truck was frantically trying to get by us. lol!  It took us a couple seconds to figure out what the heck was going on, but it was a great idea.  

Often when the rabbits whiz by us unexpectedly, we are caught off guard, and some of us turtles, who are not as skilled on our bikes as others can be shaken a bit.  If you guys continue to give us a heads up before passing and a little extra passing room, we'll be sure to move as far out of your way as possible.  :-)

Thank you, thank you for the ring.  :-)

Joey Works the Senior Center

Many of you know Joey Holland from his Stinkin' Fish Ride which predated the FOGBEES by many years.  Check out this recent article in the Hendersonville Star News. Hendersonville Man Bikes 697 Miles in Retirement Challenge.  We also have a few retirees working on a 700-mile tour for 2014, but hardly at Joey's pace.  It's an Aussie Bob and Bruce Tour in very preliminary stages.

HELP Needed!

Bruce and I (Tom_E) assist the Nashville Regional MPO with Bike/Ped counts. (We're already signed up at other locations in H'ville for counting.) It helps us qualify for funding and assistance in dealing with local politicians.   
We need help.  Please see Leslie Meehan's note below.  If you can help, please send me a note ASAP at  (FYI: Leslie works tirelessly to improve facilities for bicyclists.  We like to support her anytime she asks.  Helping Leslie is helping FOGBEES)
I am looking for someone who can count in downtown Gallatin on Main Street from 4-6 pm on September 10th.  Can you spread the word and see if anyone who works out that way may be able to help?

Leslie A. Meehan, AICP | Director of Healthy Communities
Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bicycle Needed

I was forwarded this email about a woman in need.  Being a cycling group most of us have or have had several bikes in our garage at any one time.  (And living rooms for that matter)  Surely one of us has an unused, unloved bicycle that sits around collecting dust.  It doesn't sound like she's needing a Trek Madonne.  lol!  Just a bike in good repair with a few gears to help her up the hills.

Please read the following email and feel free to contact them with any further questions you may have.  It would be nice if one of our Fogbees could be of help to this lady in need.  Thanks all!

Test Ride Day With Trek this Saturday at Lock 4

This Saturday, August 24th, we will be having a fun filled day with Trek Bicycles at the Lock 4 City Park in Gallatin as they roll out their brand new line of bicycles for 2014. If you have been considering upgrading your mountain or road bike or buying your very first bike, make sure you come out and test ride all of the new bikes Trek has to offer including the Superfly, Remedy 29 and 650B, Fuel EX, Slash 650B, as well as their road bikes, the Madone and Domane and many more including their Women Specific Design line for road and mountain! This event starts at 10:00 so put it down on your calendar and come check out some of the fastest, nicest bikes being made for 2014 by Trek Bikes.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Now Here's A Woman Who LOVES To Bike

Local woman out for a spin with all the kiddos in tow.
Now that's AMAZING!

Photo captured by Joey Holland (Sumner Spin Dawg)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

So you know your an Ole Fogbee when....

In my never ending sentimental journey through life I remind the Old Fogbees how old we are by sadly sharing that the FABULOUS  EYDIE GORME died today at the age of 84.  I fondly remember her biggest hit in 1963 when I was just 8 years old. Everyone at school sang this song and any dance party played this hit. She was a lovely lady who sang her heart out in the 1960's, the decade of change in Music. May you rest in peace.....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

This Is How We Roll

Fogbees Turn Out In Mass For Our Post-Kid's Tri Ride

Thanks everyone for helping to make our local  Kid's Tri, safe and fun for all our children.  
Great events like this can only be successful with the generous support from all our volunteers.
YOU helped make it happen!  :-)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Critical Mass Demo for Injured Bicyclist

      Nashville bicyclists are holding a Critical Mass (Saturday Aug 10'th at 3PM) in light of a recent hit-and-run that injured local bicyclist, Molly Meinbresse. We want to show support for her and her family while raising awareness of the need for drivers to respect the safety of alternative transportation users.
     We will also be demonstrating how bicyclists are responsible for sharing the road safely and respectfully. Click here for more detail.

Kid's Tri Still Needs Volunteers

It's not too late.  Please get in touch with Charlene Alcorn.  Help out our local kids and then join us on our Saturday morning group ride.  All volunteers get this cool shirt.  :-)
Charlene Alcorn
Check in at YMCA-Hendersonville by 6:15a
Tell her you're a Fogbee &
Give her your T-shirt size
Finished by 8ish am
Fogbee group ride shortly after.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last Minute Jersey Update

Order going in on October 10th

These are the orders/payments I have as of 8-7-13

Harry Parish - paid
Kristi Draper - paid
Mandy Fluitt - paid
Glenn Butler
Jeff Gibson - paid
Michelle Resch - paid
Jerial Woodall - paid
Mark Holcomb - paid
Todd Jerral - paid
Mike Stokes
Tony Hernandez - paid
Roger McKinney - paid
Phil Vickery - paid
Kim Peel - paid
Joe Howard - paid
Kermit Purcell
Shan Boone - paid
Dave Shumaker - paid
Jerry Dunaway - paid
Mike Grubbs - paid
Zack Hedrick - paid
Vicki Barnes
Jeff Cashdollar - paid
Sean Samber - paid

So far we have 30 jersey requests.  Thank you everyone for your prompt payments.  If you still need to to pay for your jersey and you don't think you'll see me by the 10th, please feel free to mail it to me at, Janice Yoste, 101 Owen Ct., Hendersonville, TN  37075   You can also contact me by email:  with any messages.  (Still taking orders through this week)

I will be at the Kid's Tri on Sat morning and the group ride that will follow.

Thanks everyone!  :-)
Janice Yoste

Don't forget 2fer Tuesday at Sam's right after the ride.

Get to know your riding buddies while enjoying post ride refreshment.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bachlorette Party for Misty

Calling all Fogbeettes, Fogbee wives , etc to join the fun at Sam's this coming Saturday from 6:00 to 10:00 to celebrate the marriage of Misty and Big Bob.  And yes JR, you are expected to jump out of the cake - thong optional.

Hosted by the wonderful Fogbee wives who support their biking husband's addictions.

August Newsletter

. . The August Newsletter issued on Sunday.  Tom Benim just reported that Comcast put his copy in SPAM folder. Such a sacrilege!  So if your copy is missing, check your SPAM folder.
. . The newsletter has lots of good stuff that you don't want to miss.  Although we have tried to make the newsletter smartphone friendly, it is so much better viewed on a REAL computer.  Your fellow FOGBEES have done a great job putting it together.  Be sure to click on the click here to read. . at the bottom of the MANY intro paragraphs to read the entire atricles.