Thursday, August 29, 2013

Turtle Queen Takes a Spill

3 turtles headed out for an early ride this morning.. a few miles in, the turtle queen flipped over.. luckily the other turtles were able to get her upright and she is expected to have full recovery. :) I also hear there are a few pictures... turtles never fail to get pictures. Mike will post those up shortly.


GARY said...

already saw one...ouch..poor janice...Get well soon!

GARY said...

PS: Turtles are supposed to be flip-proof.

Kaiser Dawg said...

Janice is home after a few hours at the hospital. She had a C.T. done on her noggin, and was diagnosed w a "somewhat severe concussion". Thankfully no broken bones or stitches, but she's gonna be sore for a few day, I reckon. ~Kaiser

Kaiser Dawg said...

As a sidenote... was kinda' funny (after the fact, of course) but there she was, upside down, on her back, bike attached to her still, all four limbs up in the air even. Plopped up against the side of a chain-link fence. "What happened?" "Did I wreck?" "Were we shopping?" "Is Kristi here?" "I never wreck." "My mouth really hurts." "Where did we start at?" "Is Kristi here?" "What happened?" "Ow, my mouth." "Were we shopping?" "I NEVER wreck!"

Unknown said...

Repeat 25 more times......

Kaiser Dawg said...

a handful of aftermath pictures are up on the Fogbee FACEBOOK page. Wish I coulda' got some at the scene of the crime, but if you like scabby stuff... check out FB Fogbees ~Mike

coastdownhills said...

Ouch! Definitely a concussion. It can and probably will happen to us all eventually. No reason to stop riding but affirms the value of a helmet.

Janice said...

Rachel says the ER Doc said I shouldn't ride in the Sunrise on Saturday. I don't remember him saying any such thing, so if I don't remember it, surely it didn't happen, right?
I've been planning this 100 mile challenge for three seasons. Can't let a little wipe out keep me from the finish line. :-)

Doc says i'll feel worse tomorrow. I'm sure he must be wrong. lol!

Ed T said...

Be careful.

Kaiser Dawg said...

Yoste, don't do crazy and try to reinjure yourself and possibly others on Saturday. Taper back, ride slow, be satisfied w doing the metric. The heat will make you extremely sick in your condition. I will do a double BGLOB Shaker ride 50mile route w you on the 7th to make sure you get ur century!

Anonymous said...

100 miles is hard enough when you're 100%! Be careful!

Anonymous said...

100 miles is hard enough when you're 100%! Be careful!

Docbruw said...

Take it from someone to knows many many doctors personally and professionally. Listen to what they tell you. They do not BS the athlete trying to get back in the “game”.

Mark H said...

Wow sorry to read this. I know how hard Janice has trained for this 100. But Janice, listen to your doctor and take it easy. And this gives Kristi an excuse not to go 100;)

Jeff Gibson said...

Kristi still has to do 100, do it for Janice!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mark.. You know that's right! 62 tomorrow for me ;) I'll wait and do my first 100 with Janice.. we are already planning the Cracked Noggin Century.. and I'm not clever enough to come up with that name on my on.. thanks Tom B. :)

coastdownhills said...

Janice,By now you've probably come to your senses and are not doing the century. If not, I'll add my note to the Don't Do It chorus. I've never understood the allure of doing these things just for the milage anyway. I did my first century in Huntsville, AL mostly to spend more time with my long time not seen friends.
Concussions can lead to long lasting memory problems, especially if they occur within a few weeks of each other. Brian Kortness can probably route you a dozen flatish centuries starting in Robertson county.

Janice said...

Awe, that's so sweet of you guys. A Cracked Noggin Century. I LIKE IT! :-)