Tuesday, September 29, 2009

IMPORTANT: Team Photo Jerseys for Jack 'n' Back

Remember to join the FOGBEES for a team photo op @ Page High School start point 6:55 a.m. Located at the end of main hallway opposite the entry doors into the school.

If you are still looking for a jersey to wear in the photo op, then post stat so that we can locate one which you can borrow. The September LG Order will not arrive in time for the Jack 'n Back. Please make arrangement to have a FOGBEE jersey for the TEAM picture.

I'll be wearing my two jerseys on day one and two; however, I'd be glad to let someone slip one on for the photo shoot. Then I'll simply stick it in my bag and throw it on the baggage truck for transport to Motlow College for my Sunday return ride.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wet and Wounded but satisfying !

Water to the left of us , water to the right of us, water in front of us, water behind us , and water above us. The rain never abated, but the spirit of the Wounded Warriors made the rain more a baptism than a bath. Bob Glutting, Nancy Parrott, Ron Williams, Bruce Day, David Irvine, Les, and Phil rallied to represent the FOGBEES at the Wounded Warrior ride today. Warm comraderie and hot grilled food at the end of the ride put a rather dreary day in perspective.

Gary, " I was having so much fun , I could've gone home and still been happy". Every FOGBEE needs to experience their own Wounded Warrior Ride , without which one's biking journey is incomplete.

Click here to view PhotoShow by Phil Vickery

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wounded Warrior Ride Sat Sept 26th

The link will take you to our web page for this ride you can join the FOGBEE team from this web page. If you would like to car pool from Hendersonville please post. We will meet behind Sam's at 7:00 AM.

A little photographic memory to encourage everyone to turn out for the Wounded Warrior Ride on September 26. I'm with you Bob G.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Riding a Bike Beats Angioplasty

Worth your time, just thought I’d share / Just FYI:Very interesting, in case you missed the A.P. story in Monday’s Tennessean, “For some heart patients, exercise beats angioplasty” NOTE-- the study detailing the facts that riding a BIKE is the best exercise for your heart! Click here to read article

90 percent of heart patients who rode bikes regularly were free of heart problems one year after they started their exercise regimen

All the best, Paul R. Goode

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thanks to Everyone

Thanks to everyone who called to check in on me after my wreck on Labor Day. As of now we know of no broken bones, however my hand and wrist are still not getting any better. If the hand and wrist isn't feeling any better over the next couple of days, I am going back to the Dr. to re-evaluate it. Though I can use my hand it still hurts with some numbness and tingling.. I should be getting my bike back sometime this week ($$$$), and hope to try and ride as soon as I get it. Hope to see you all on Thursday..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

FOGBEES Everywhere

Although Bob had a good turnout for the local ride. FOGBEES could be found at other area charity rides: Hope On Wheels - 100 and Makin' Macon Fit. I bet you can figure who is where.

Friday, September 11, 2009


We have enough paid to submit our order to Louie Garneau. We HAVE submitted on Monday 09/14/09. Artwoork approved & released to PRODUCTION on 9/16/09.

Once we submit to Louie Garneau the order is locked -- no adds, no changes of any kind. (See the Web Site)

Also FOGBEE membership is the BEST BARGAIN in cycling - we have NO Dues. We rather everyone spend on riding and supporting their favorate advocacy group, such as Bike Walk Tennessee.

. . . Tom_E

Monday, September 7, 2009

Found - Front Wheel

I found someones front wheel in the grass at Sams Grille, an obvious major oversite (not like just forgetting to pick up your water bottles). If it is yours, please contact me and ID the wheel. I will also notify Bikers Choice that I have the wheel.
Doug Depew

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lites No Longer?

It is with great pleasure that I announce that 5 Fogbees have joined the ranks of other cyclists who have officially lost their minds.

Bob G, Christy, Jennifer, Lisa, and Phil completed their first century ride. I propose that they should be formally declared graduates of the Fogbee Lite program, and bestowed with all the rights and privileges of such achievement.

Joining them in Clarksville were Andrea and John D. , Bryan, Evan, Ann and myself. Bryan posted a personal best of over 19 mph for the course and I understand John completed it in 3 hours and 50 minutes, despite a badly timed train at one of the crossings.

If I missed anyone, sorry, please post corrections.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Help in Coopertown Requested.

Can some of our members in Coopertown or nearby help out. Good PR for that FOGBEE jersey helps when we may need help in return.

I serve on the Community Development Committee for the Town of Coopertown. We are interested in having a Bicycle Rodeo to focus on bicycle safety in April/May time frame 2010. We do have some designated bicycle riding areas in Coopertown and wondered what services or assistance you and TDOT may be able to provide us in planning for this event or any type of displays that may be available for the day of the event? I have contacted Tn Dept of Safety LT Barham and he is going to give us some assistance. Look forward to any additional resources or guidance you may be able tooffer.

Thanks, Bob Fletcher

Enjoy your freedom? What have you done to help a SOLDIER?
Bob Fletcher, CET, CHMM Environmental Education Support
Building 2186; 13 1/2 StreetFt. Campbell, Ky 42223-5130
Work: 270-798-9595; Fax: 270-798-3561; Cell: 615-207-6894Email:, MP, USAR, Retired