Saturday, April 10, 2010

Season Opener - April 10'th

The weather forecast for Saturday APRIL 10'th is PERFECT
There's no better way to test out those dormant legs than doing the
Annual FOGBEE Greenway Ride.
EVERYONE IS INVITED. It's a ride that everyone of every skill level can enjoy, even the Weenie Patrol. David Irvine has been scouting the repairs on the greenway and says, "She's good to go!"
It will be great to see everyone after a much too long winter. You have no excuse to be absent. Bring a friend, bring a spouse, invite other bike club members. We'll have car caravans to the various "pickup points" and veteran FOGBEES to help those of all skill levels.
If you need a ride from Hendersonville - PLEASE COMMENT. Driver's PLEASE acknowledge cyclist pickups so we know everyone has been accounted for.
Doug_D although unable to ride will be managing the after-the-ride party back at Blackstones


Tango Bravo said...

I've marked my calendar.

Christy said...

Me too... zip a dee doo da!

Chad Moss said...

what is the "Jolly Ollie"????

Scott Mena said...

Should be there with bells on!!!

monsieur cannonball said...

The Jolly Ollie is a new pizza den with take out, eat in , and a bar. Tom E. has assured us that the pizza will be more to his liking.

Unfortunately, I'll be in coastal South Carolina that weekend. Have a blast !

BOB G. said...

Count me in.

GARY said...

I plan to bee there.

JoHo said...

Can't make it as I'll be on the Star Princess somewhere in the Caribbean.

comte23 said...

I would love to shake the dust off and work out the rusty knees, but I will be in Illinois that weekend. Could we move the date to the following weekend???

Caledonia said...

A small complication to report. I pedaled across town this morning via the greenway routes and discovered that part of the Shelby Street Bridge has been blocked with temporary cyclone fencing, including the upstream sidewalk and the street. I had to lift my bike up onto the downstream sidewalk to continue. Those starting at Blackstone's may want to consider the new bridge across the river (it's flatter anyway).

Nancy_P said...

I will be going and we are meeting at Blackstones,Correct??

Donna said...

I REAAALLLY would like to be there...I know you may think this is weenieing (is that even a word?) out, since you said "no excuses" but I will be down in Destin getting married tha day!!! We will be taking our bikes down there to rde while we are down there, and will wear our FOGBEE shirts to confuse the people down there. LOL! Have a geat ride! Hopefully I can get in a few rideswit you all when I get back before I check out of this state.

Anne said...

I'm in! Can't wait.

GARY said...

"Dormant Legs"?? What's he talking about?

coastdownhills said...

I'll be at Blackstones so no worries about not having a slow rider on the long ride.

Mike Poole said...

There are repairs being made on the Shelby St Ped. bridge however, when I have ridden across it each time this week, the sidewalk is open. You can access it with the ramp at the top of the bridge. Just be careful if there are pedestrians and other cyclists on it because it is kinda narrow. Have a great ride!! We are blessed to have such a wonderful greenway system in our city!

BOB G. said...

I would like to ride with someone if they have room.

bed2 said...

Give me a call and I will pick you


James C said...

I plan on riding into nashville. if anyone would like to join me pls post. maybe meetup at sams at 6:30-7am.

Christy said...

If Daphne rides from Two Rivers, is there anyone that could give her a ride to Blackstone? Her husband will drop her off but then head back home.

wttuckerjr said...

Rhonda and I will see you at the Titans parking lot. Christy - We could give her a ride to Blackstone if the extra distance back to the Titans parking lot is O.K.

Jennifer said...

See you at Blackstone's.

Christy said...

Thanks Tommy but the extra distance is the problem. I have room for her but had planned to ride from the stadium.

Scott Mena said...

Last minute change of plans guys... I'm sorry but I will not be there tomorrow... I just broke my bike... It'll be at least a week before I get a new frame in... I'll have to catch you on the next one, once I get my new frame..

Tango Bravo said...

Meet you at Blackstones at 9.

Miley said...

I'm heading out of town in the morning. Enjoy everyone!

coastdownhills said...

Andrew and I will make a pass through Sam's Sports bar back parking lot at the Streets of Indian Lake about 8:15 and will have room for one more cyclists if anyone wants to ride with us to and from Blackstones.