Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fall Natchez Trace Ride Idea.

I think i am gonna start planning a ride in September for the Trace... I'm thinking a 2-3 day ride. Start in Nashville on a Friday and ride as far as we can for about 2 1/2 days, and have someone pick us up on the 3rd day and bring us back. We'll camp or do B&B's along the way. I'll set up areas for food, showers, and sleep. Let me know if your interested and I'll put a date to it soon.


GARY said...

My preference is not to wait that long for a Trace ride. Sometime in late Spring or Summer would be fine. The fact that it is hot is just a reality of the rides we take in the late spring and summer. Also, I would not be camping so Motels or B&B's would be appreciated. Keep me posted.

coastdownhills said...

Gary is correct. September gets very crowded as far as rides go. Glen Wanner has an excellent book on Bicycling the Natchez Trace you might want to get for planning the ride. One big problem with cycling the Trace is the lack of services close to the Trace for much of the way. It is a challenge even for campers. If you don't plan to camp, expect to go a few miles off route. And never pass up an opportunity to fill up your water bottles.
My status is still questionable for any rides this year so cannot commit to more than an overnight. The NTP is something every TN cyclists should do once.