Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BBQ Ride

There has been some discussion of another BBQ ride. I'm thinking June 5. Thoughts?

Because some have proposed doing the Tour de Cave this year, Christy is considering shifting the BBQ ride to the 19'th. Please comment to let her know what is best for everyone.


Tango Bravo said...

Some of us were thinking Tour de Cave that weekend, but BBQ is always a great option...and closer too.

Tom_E said...

I am looking forward to my first BBQ ride. But is it possible to move your date to June 12'th, so those wanting to do the Tour de Cave can do both?

Christy said...

The 19th would be better for me than the 12th. What about that?

Curtis _M said...

19th is a great day to ride....

Jennifer said...

19th is okay for me. Isn't it traditional to have the BBQ ride on the hottest day of the summer?

Christy said...

Yes, I've ordered some extra sun just for you.

I'll plan on June 19th.

Blog Admin said...

Okay, made BBQ official. Now on the calendar for June 19'th