Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saturday Ride, Sept 17, 2011

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BLACKSTONE RIDE starting at 8:00AM at the Blackstone. The Metro Greenway is still torn up, but we can still ride through Metro Center on the roads to connect back up with the Greenway at the east end of Metro Center.

Short riders can start from LP Field at 8:45AM. The Long Riders will meet at the Short Riders at LP Field. Another start point is in Shelby Park.
Route OUT (revised)        Route BACK

Lunch and drinks following.

See you there,

Mike Knake


Roger S said...

Juli and I will be on the grenway but out of sync with everyone else. Se has a 5k run in franklin early so we will be starting our ride from the Bong Java parking lot @ 107 S 11th st in e nashville at 9am. We will likley meet at least some of you at some point during the ride. If anyone wants to start with us they are more than welcome. Have a fun and safe ride. Roger

Miley said...

Mike, the connector between Metrocenter and Cumberlaand greenways under I65 is closed also. You can take French Landing south, then left on Dominican, which becomes 3rd Ave North. Just past Metro Water and before 4way stop, take greenway spur to left to reconnect to main Cumberland greenway. Have a good ride!

Janice said...

I'll be there.

monsieur cannonball said...

CANNONBALL can go green