Monday, October 15, 2012

Red Boiling Springs Roundup

Only five more days until Red Boiling Springs Ride.  The last RBS was an awesome summer ride.  This time the trees should be in full color about the time we ride.  Our first ride was this time of year and our award winning Fogbee photographer, Ed Thomas, took a picture on this ride that was selected from hundreds, maybe thousands, of submissions by Adventure Cycling to represent the beauty of cycling in Tennessee.  Still time for you to make this your signature fall ride.  The weather is now predicted to be just gorgeous and perfect temperatures for cycling. This is a tour so no one will be dropped.

Amour's (615) 699-2180  still had a few rooms open on my last check so call now and get your reservation in. They have only a 24 hr cancellation policy so you can back out if one of those life changing events occurs between now and then. Dinner is family style, pass the plates, and very tasty!! Sign up for dinner!!

Start time for the long ride is 8:30am from Sams, Meeting at 8:00 to 8:15.  Short riders should be in Hartsville at 11:00am where we will have lunch then leave after lunch.  Here's a roster of participants by my count.  If this is not correct by either omission or commission, let me know. Also, review the overall plan by clicking on the Red Boiling Springs link under "Major Events" (please note the time changes in this post prevail over the website) and if you have questions or suggestions let me know.  Post here or email me at bruceeday at gmail dot com
Day 1 long route
Day 2 long route
Day 1 short route
Day 2 Short route
You can print cues directly from Ride With GPS from the left panel.
Riders cycling from White House and Gallatin are will meet the main group at Cambridge market at coner of Long Hollow and Buckingham at 9:00 am.

Last trip the Emery's had a cooler of refreshing beverages ready on our arrival. Dennis drove all over the Cumberland Plateau looking for Yazoo beer since he had heard we liked it. This trip Marsha will be taking a cooler stocked  with our favorites. How will she know your favorite?  You'll need to provide a generous sample, say enough to supply you for an afternoon. Marsha will pick up your beverages at Sam's at the start of the ride. (Marsha will bring a bucket of Margaritas and some Miller Lite to share).

Click the more link for lists.

Riders starting from Sam's Sports Bar in Hendersonville 60 miler

1. Bruce
2. Doug
3. Mike - Sat only
4. Gary - Sat only
5. Ed
6. Phil - Sat only
7. John K
8. Demetrius
9. Sarah

Riders Starting from Hartsville
1. Janice
2. Kay

Non Cycling Participants
1. Wilma
2. Marsha
3. Sherry
4. Cindy
5. Gail
6. Rosemary

1. Bruce and Wilma
2. Doug and Marsha
3. Mike and Sherry
4. Gary and Cindy
5. Ed and Gail
6. Janice and kay
7. Demetrius and Sarah
8. John K and ?

Saturday Evening meal
1. Phil
2. Rosemary
3. Hannah
4. Bruce
5. Wilma
6. Doug
7. Marsha
8. Mike
9. Sherry
10. Gary
11. Cindy
12. Ed
13. Gail
14. Janice
15. Kay
16. Sarah
17. Demetrius
18. John K
Looks like Demetrius, Sarah, Janice and Sarah will need someone to take their luggage to RBS. Let Doug or Bruce know if that is correct and we can facilitate arranging this.


GARY said...

Bruce- I'm staying overnight with Cindy but not riding back Sunday as I have a Hockey game Sunday afternoon.

coastdownhills said...

Ok, Will make the change. Thanks,

Ed T said...

I will be riding up and back. I either need a ride for Gail or someone to ride with her. Our SUV could carry 6 bikes if necessary and 5 to 7 people.

Ed T said...

I will connect with the group leaving Sam's at the Cambridge Market at 9am.