Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunday Oct 21 - Fogbee Fall Frolic

With the fantastic weather and beautiful fall colors, there couldn't be a better weekend for a century.  For all of those not going on the RBS trip, come out for a great 100 mile ride leaving from White House and going up through Franklin, then back along a great strech of road from one of our past weekend rides.  "Red Boiling Springs Road" is part of the route...coicidence or not?  Start time is 9am (hopefully it has warmed up a bit by then so we don't have to start off budled then carry the warmer clothes the rest of the day).  Meeting spot is at the greenway across from De La Paz Mexican restaurant in White House, and yes that means post-ride margaritas.

Post if you would like to come, it should be fun!


Tango Bravo said...

Well you twisted my arm. I am in.

Sarah Ritt said...

Tom - more like sick and twisted. Especially with the 5,000+ elevation gain. Glad my long days are over this season. I'll hit you up next year! :-)

Tango Bravo said...

I only have this century and one more to get my year-rounder "merit badge" :-)

Lindsay said...

Ride with GPS usually over doubles the predicted elevation from map my ride, so for all we know this could be a pancake :)

Jennifer said...

Could be the dreaded barbecue ride flat (ask Tom).

Tango Bravo said...

Barbecue ride flat and Portland ride calm, and Metamora cool.

GARY said...

You know, if this wasn't the same weekend of the RBS and I wasn't playing Hockey on Sunday,I'd join you.

Lindsay said...

We will plan another one, Gary!