Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day for Super Deal

December 31st, is the last day to take advantage of the Early Bird registration fee of only $10 and receive the 20th Anniversary Tour de Cure IN-Training shirt. 

This has got to be a no-brainer.  The shirt is worth at least $10.  Click on the registration link above.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010-12-23 FOGBEES Xmas Lights

The YOUTUBE version has been added to the POST just below.

FOGBEE Christmas Lights Ride: Thursday Dec 23'rd 6:30 pm from Jollie Ollies

Click button is lower right-hand corner of YouTube for FULL SCREEN

It's time for Bruce's Annual Christmas Lights Evening Ride. If there is enough interest we may even talk Bruce into repeating. Our first year we rode in the FOG (appropriate for FOGBEES). We had to get real close to the houses to see. Last year's tour got canceled. But, we have this year. The city has a Christmas Light Boat Parade. Too bad we couldn't have Christmas Light Bike Parade. HINT!

Need some lights! Here's a link to what Bruce found for ONLY $1.37. Even the tightwads in the group can afford that price. H'vlle Lowes Lights are SOLD OUT. Must go to Home Depot. Better product but costs $5.97.

 Added 12.16.2010
Here's my suggestion  for this year's ride.  There are fewer decorated homes this year but still some spectacular ones.  The tip of the Indian Lake Peninsula has several but requires a ten mile round trip to get there from any of the others.   Mapped starting point is from Kmart but the start finish is from Jollie Ollies, old Big Looy's.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

PLEASE take time to send our friends a FOGBEE thank you.

It's been a great year for bicyclists in Tennessee. We are very fortunate to have Jessica Wilson at TDOT. If you have a moment PLEASE send her an email ( thanking her for all her effort. Just so you all have the proper perspective, LAB raised Tennessee's Bike Friendly Status) by 19 Points because of her diligence and a LOT of work for us. Due the serious financial problems the state and the country are facing, the future for bicycling is likely to be a tougher sale, so its important to support our friends.

I have been putting her stuff (with her permission) on the Bike Walk Tennessee website at . Jessica is now working on completion of a survey from the Alliance for Biking and Walking, a draft of which you will find at . This survey along with the League of American Bicyclist's Survey for Bike Friendly States (also on this webpage) is a great metric to see what it takes to be bike friendly and what we still have to accomplish. Please take time to read them. Jessica has put a lot of effort into completing them.

Besides Jessica don't forget to thank Kelley Segars of Knoxville ( ) who was the primary force is getting Knoxville recognized this year as a Bike Friendly City and Leslie Mehan ( who has won several awards this year for an Nashville's MPO's Exceptional Bike and Pedestrian Plan in which she identified over 15% of MPO transportation funding to go toward Bike/Ped related projects).

New Website for Biker's Choice?

Does David have a new Website?  Check it out by clicking here.

Lower Station Camp Moves Forward

Gang, I purposely didn’t respond a few days [to Tom Evans note on threats to Federal Funding] again knowing yesterday was our monthly county commission meeting. Why, yesterday was a HUGE day for those of us supporting greenways and bike paths! You may or may not be aware that we (the County) have had some federal grant money sitting on the sidelines waiting to be used (due to matching monies) and in last night meeting myself with my fellow commissioners allocated $185,000.00 for the matching money needed to get the ball rolling. This will complete our matching obligations and get the ball rolling for the engineering, survey’s etc. etc. to start the greenway and work on the old courthouse at lower station. I have other info to share down the road so please keep me posted as to any future meetings.

As always anyone feel free to call me at anytime, PG
Paul R. Goode, United States Senator Bob Corker

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gary's Holiday Greetings

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


Like bizarre music, besides Gary's Spin Class (three days a week). Tune in for the annual Sound Opinions Christmas Spectacular featuring weird and wonderful holiday tunes curated by record collector Andy Cirzan to put you "in the mood" for this year's ANNUAL Christmas Lights Spectacular Ride. A free download of this year’s compilation will be available at from December 17th until January 1st.

Listen to the MP3 Stream: (link)
Download the Podcast: (Download the MP3)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snow Riding

Tom B. and I started a 200K ride with the Harpeth Bike Club yesterday. Since slick road tires have minimal traction, we turned around after we hit snow and slush on the roads in Williamson county.
But, we got to use the phrase "Wait, I can't clip in, my cleats are full of snow."

World's youngest FOGBEE (aka a Bay BEE)

"Averie" my new granddaughter!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday lights test run Sunday, Dec 19, 3 pm

I'll be doing a trial run of the holiday lights course tomorrow afternoon. All are welcome to join. The 3 pm start time is flexible.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The League Acknowledges Tennessee Progress

Fresh off a successful Re-imagining Broad Street event in Memphis, advocates in Tennessee get a new Bicycle & Pedestrian policy at TDOT (helmet tip, Bike Walk TN). The updated policy:

* now applies to local governments managing transportation projects with federal funding as well as TDOT staff and contractors
* requires use of AASHTO and TDOT bicycle and pedestrian facility design standards
* requires that accommodations for cyclists and pedestrians must be integrated into all federally or state funded transportation projects
* requires that federally funded bridge replacement or rehabilitation projects include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations
Read the League's POST at

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Interesting article on BBC.COM concerning lightweight bike vs clunkers and the the time it takes to commute. Click on title to read.

The article raises a new acronym too which could be a rival club for the Fogbees. MAMIL.

(Middle Aged Men in Lycra!) :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Letter to American Bicyclists

Tim Nichols (alias Nik the Stick) found this article by Bruce in the American Bicyclist Magazine.  So I thought I would share.
Ten years ago I would have agreed with Mr. Boyce that bike lanes and multiuse paths are worse than worthless.    Dedicated facilities were unmaintained paths to nowhere.   Times have changed. We now have more political capital and planners understand the importance of connectivity.  Although an experienced cyclist may in fact be less safe than on the roadway, that is not the perception of novice cyclists.  The ideal is still for cyclists to be accepted by both cyclists and motorists as ordinary traffic on every roadway. Till then these dedicate facilities are useful, especially for growing our ranks. 
Bruce Day, M.D.; Founding Member and Director
Bike Walk Tennessee

More About Complete Streets & Rumble Reviews

 The Alliance for Biking and Walking notes key changes to TDOT's Complete Street's Policy
  • It requires not only Tennessee DOT to follow the policy, but contractors, consultants and local governments managing TDOT projects.
  • It requires local, regional and state organizations implementing projects with state money to follow the policy.
  • It requires the state to consider local bike/ped plans when resurfacing state roadways within their jurisdiction.
  • It points to and requires design in accordance with national FHWA and AASHTO standards for bike/ped facility design.
  • It specifies that road resurfacing shall not degrade current walking and biking levels. 
Click here to read more.  Also, last month FOGBEES reviewed resurfacing projects in Robertson and Sumner Counties and identified for TDOT and Nashville MPO roads used by local bicycle clubs.  Our goal is to protect them against rumbling.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Community Conversations: Public Workshops

The mayors and county executives who comprise the Executive Board of the Nashville Area MPO invite their constituents to learn more about major regional transportation planning efforts and important changes to public policy therein.  The public will have the opportunity to hear an in-depth presentation and submit questions & comments on proposed infrastructure investments to support the livability, sustainability, prosperity and diversity of the region as a whole, as well as that of their individual counties of residence.

Current Schedule
    * Davidson County - Mon., Nov. 29th, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Adventure Science Center, 800 Fort Negley Boulevard, Nashville 37203 - with Metropolitan Nashville Mayor Karl Dean,
    * Sumner County - Wed., Dec. 8th, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Sumner County Administration Building - Commission Chambers, 355 North Belvedere Drive, Gallatin 37066 - with Mayors Foster, Graves, Holt, Manning, and Wilber

Note from the League

The end of every year brings more than just Thanksgiving and the holiday season at the League…

1.    On Tuesday, December 7 we’re hosting our annual conference call to get your feedback, input and advice on the all-important club insurance program. Make sure someone from your club calls in to join Marla Peters from American Specialty. See more details in the Club Corner section of our website.

2.    We’ve got two open surveys we want you to complete – both quite short! The first is our periodic Club Survey that provides us a critical insight into the issues affecting clubs and gives us feedback on our club program activities. Second, we’ve got our annual Membership Survey that asks for your input on how we are doing for you as an individual cyclist and League member – please share the link with your colleagues; we genuinely want to know what you think we can and should be doing on your behalf.

3.    Sign up now for the National Bike Summit! Yes, it’s that time of year already – and having a strong showing in Washington DC has never been more important. Please try to send someone from your club; March 8-10 2011.

And finally, of course, if you are able to support the work of the League with a contribution above and beyond your Club dues, that will make a huge difference to our ability to serve you in 2011. Many of you have already given, and for that we are extremely grateful – we’ve seen real leadership gifts from the likes of the Grizzly Peak Cyclists, Louisville Bicycle Club, Granite State Wheelmen, Narragansett Bay Wheelmen and many more.

Thanks, Andy Clarke, President
League of American Bicyclists

Monday, December 6, 2010

Specialized Holiday Card

TDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy

. . I am pleased to announce that TDOT Commissioner Nicely has signed the TDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy, effective December 1st, 2010!  This policy is a Complete Streets policy that supercedes the 2004 TDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy.  The new policy can be found on our website at
. . This policy is very similar to the 2004 policy, but we wanted to update the language for several reasons:  First, in accordance with FHWA policy, we needed to update the TDOT bicycle and pedestrian policy to reflect federal guidelines regarding bicycle and pedestrian accommodation on federal-aid bridge projects.  Secondly, through bicycle and pedestrian conference calls and meetings with advocates and members of local government, we received feedback on how to improve the language of the 2004 policy so that it reflects the initiatives we've developed over the past few years (i.e. accommodating bicycles and pedestrians in resurfacing projects where applicable, creation of bicycle-friendly rumble stripe standards, and coordinating better with local governments to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians on both state managed projects and locally-managed projects that utilize federal funds).  Lastly, the policy is updated to reflect the growing need to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians, not only on roadway projects, but also projects involving air, rail, transit, and marine.
. . Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Jessica L. Wilson, TDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator