Thursday, September 19, 2013

Call me “Woody”

               During a very trying day with my sister of moving my mom into an assisted living facility, she reminded me of some things that I had not thought of in recent years. My farther passed away at a young age and missed out on seeing most of his grandchildren and great grandchildren be born and raise their own families. He was a businessman in Portland TN and owned his own business and was very involved in the growth and management of Portland TN and was very respected by young and old. He was the Portland Fire Chief for many years and one of his dreams was to have a full time fire department in Portland. I would always hope the fire alarm would sound when I was with him because I would be able to ride to the fire. When he could no longer perform that position due to his health he ran for and was elected to several terms on the City Council. He worked hard for the people of Portland to make it a better place to live. While on the City Council he never saw a full time fire department but he did at least see a full time engineer and more modern equipment at the station.

He loved his church, his family and helping others; I remember as a young lad folks in town and at his business would call him Mr. Woody or Woody. My mother never called him Woody but I can remember folks calling my father and grandfather Woody; I believe out of love and respect. She told me there has always been a “Woody” in our family and actually I have a 90 year old cousin that goes by “Woody” and once he is gone there would be no more Woody Woodall’s.

Your my friends and FOGBEE family and only out of respect to my dad and to remember him in this life I would consider it an honor; and if you wouldn’t mind to refer to me as “Woody”….instead of JR.
Thank you for your time!!


coastdownhills said...

Don't know that I ever met your father but certainly had the benefit of his works while I was in the Portland ER. So Woody it is. Except I can't remember my own name half the time.

Mike said...

Woody it is.

Jeff Gibson said...

Every cycling group need a Woody, now we have ours.

Anonymous said...

Woody sounds good to me! Change my phone contact from JR to Woody!

monsieur cannonball said...

I'll inform rosemary , Woody

Mike G said...

Good to know you, Woody!