Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where was McGiver when I needed him?

Coming down Long Hollow at Centre Point, when something caused my fender to get tangled up in rear wheel and locked it solid. Traffic was at all four directions as I slid through the intersection, somehow managing to stay sunny side up. My tire blew out in 3 different places. I carry boots, but not that many. Swallowed my pride and called my dear spouse for a rescue ride.

It was pretty interesting in that I never smelled burning rubber from a bike before or left a long black skid mark.
In any event I am starting a new Fogbee tradition of having an incident with no injury! :-)


coastdownhills said...

Never heard of his happening before. McGiver would have used a cell phone too.

Unknown said...

Glad you are ok.. I can't have two buddies with cracked noggins!

Tammy Gibson said...

So glad all ended well!!

Miley said...

I've heard of chain suck, but not fender suck. That's amazing. So are you, TB, for staying upright.

GARY said...

Well... that's not an accident. In my line of work we call that an "incident"and for sure it makes a great story!

GARY said...

Well... that's not an accident. In my line of work we call that an "incident"and for sure it makes a great story!

Ed T said...

That is a mess indeed. Glad you did not get hurt. Remember that Jacksons make good boots in a pinch.