Friday, September 20, 2013

Only two rooms left at Armours for Red Boiling Springs Ride

Dennis Emery notified me today that their rooms are almost full for our RBS ride.  This is  awesome with the ride still six weeks away.  All is not lost if you don't get a room at the Armour's since they can host more for meals and there are two other nearby historic hotels. Tom has kindly placed all the RBS ride information including recently posted 2013 routes, the other hotels and proposed itinerary on this web page.
The list that Dennis sent is below.  Let me know of any problem. 

  • Brett D
  • Shannon H
  • JR W
  • Ed T
  • Bob G
  • John K
  • Mike K
  • Doug D
  • Philip V
  • David S
  • Gary W
  • Bruce D


Jeff Gibson said...

Just made my reservation, now there are no rooms left.

Andrew said...

Awe, I want to go. When is it? Does anyone with a room want to share?

Andrew said...

Never mind, I'm doing something that weekend.

coastdownhills said...

If you want to go, don't despair. Amour's can have cancellations with this being so far ahead. Also remember the Thomas House and Donoho hotels nearby. If you stay at one of those, you will still eat supper at Armour's. You can either have breakfast at the hotel where you are staying or at Armour's Be aware that Armour's will be serviling a bit earlier than usual so if you eat breakfast at The Thomas House or Donoho you'll need t be sure you can finish by the 8:45 leaving time.
We'll need a head count for all meals at Armour's about a week before the ride.