Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Email Newsletter

We're getting all kinds of weird renditions of the FOGBEE newsletter (sent out last night) depending on which email client one is using.  Just click on the "View in Browser" and, if you are using an updated version of Firefox or Chrome, all looks perfect.  I suspect updated versions of Safari do equally well.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

FOGBEE History Ride

Several years ago, the club did several historical rides into Middle Tennessee's rich pioneer history.  The Bell Witch Ride was one of them.  Here is the FOGBEE article for December's issue of the Indian Lake Peninsula Living magazine .
Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thank you from Danny Denning and Family

Danny wants to thank everyone for their kind words, cards, and gift of a beautiful plant during their family's difficult time with the passing of his father. He appreciates being able to count on his riding brothers and sisters.  Love from Danny and Laura.

FOGBEES Christmas Party, December 7th

The FOGBEES Christmas Party will be held at Bluegrass Bar and Grille on December 7th at 5:00PM.

Break your ugly sweaters out and come out for a good time.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Boone Shine Family Christmas lights

One of my many hobbies besides bike riding and beer drinkin' is Christmas lights.  This year is the first time I've done them to music.  So if y'all are out and about in the Gallatin area looking for Christmas lights stop by and check out the show.  I'm at 1079 McLaughlin Ct in Kennesaw farms.  Show runs from 5 to 10 pm daily on channel 105.5 (it's on the sign too)!


Monday, November 25, 2019

Lucy William's Mother Passed Away

Lucy's mother, Earline Dorris passed away Saturday, November 23, 2019.

Funeral Services will be held at Woodard Funeral Home in Westmoreland, TN Tuesday, 11/26.  Visitation will be from 10:00AM to 12:00PM and  with funeral service following immediately.

Earline Dorris Obituary

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Todd Jarrell’s father passed away

Sherry found out this weekend that Todd’s father passed away. Below is information about services. Keep Todd in our prayers.

Celebration of Life

Christmas and Year Round Charity

As you know, the FOGBEES help sponsor the Pedals for Paws ride that supports Sumner Spay Neuter Alliance, who have done so much to save pet lives and provide low cost pet services.

Many of us shop on Amazon, and if you haven't done this, Please consider setting up Sumner Spay Neuter Alliance as your charity on Amazon. To do this, you must sign into Amazon at Then choose Sumner Spay Neuter Alliance as your charity. This costs you NOTHING as they only benefit when you buy something, and what you buy costs no more.

Every time you shop sign in at and a small amount will be donated from each purchase. Even if you don't want to support this charity, sign up one of your favorites. It costs you nothing, and supports a good cause.

For more information about Sumner Spay Neuter go to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Natchez Trace Parkway

The Natchez Trace Parkway is a 444 mile long designated bike route through the states of Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. It is a beautiful road that is shared by motor vehicles, cyclists, hikers, and many other users who enjoy it's quiet, natural experience through history and as such it is one of our most popular bike routes. However, the National Park Service is proposing to add rumble strips to certain sections of the Natchez Trace Parkway to make it "safer" for distracted drivers, but at the same time make it more challenging and potentially dangerous for cyclists and other non motorized travelers.

I oppose this proposed project and encourage my Fogbee friends to make their voices heard as the NPS is currently soliciting comments on this subject until Friday December 20, 2019. I know a little about the planning process so don’t just send in a comment saying you are against this proposal. You have to be specific as to why you are opposed to this project. Hit the below link and make a difference by making your opinion known.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Bicycling Nirvana

Inspired by Phil Vickery and his Biking Nirvana sentiment, Tony Hernandez, Brian Beisel, and Phil tell their story in this month’s Indian Lake Peninsula Living magazine and make the front cover.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tailgate Ride this Saturday, 11/16-Update

Third Annual Tailgate Ride from Janice's house at 923 Tyree Spring Rd in White House, TN.

Whether you ride, spin or sleep in, come join us.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11 th year of Fogbee Spins at the YMCA

FOGBEE Spin will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:15  PM and Saturdays at 10 am at the YMCA ....ITS  BEEN 11 YEARS!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thank you Fogbees

Wilma and I very much appreciate the flowers and support of the Fogbees after the death of our daughter Amy Jo. Cycling has brought me many benefits. None greater than becoming associated with the finest group of people on earth.  You are truly a blessing.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Passing of Bruce and Wilma Day's Daughter

Bruce and Wilma Day's daughter Amy Day died unexpectedly on Saturday evening.  

Visitation will start at noon this Friday (11/1/19) at Hendersonville Memorial Gardens. Services will follow at 2 PM.

Harold Gene Denning Funeral

 With sad heart, Danny Denning's father Harold Gene Denning passsed away this morning.

Visitation will be at the Robertson County Funeral Home, 2201 Memorial  Blvd, Springfield, TN 37172 on Tuesday from 3:00-7:00 and at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. on Wednesday from 12:00-2:00.   The funeral will be held at the Mt Carmel Baptist Church 7109 Highway 25 E., Plains, TN 37049.

Keep Danny, Laura and their family in your prayers.

Harold Gene Denning Obituary

RBS pictures

Thanks to Woody and all the Fogbees that made the 2019 edition of the Red Boiling Springs ride memorable despite the weather. Images from Woody and Gary can be found at the link blow.

Mine need some editing and will appear on the same site later.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Red Boiling Springs Oct 25th - 27th - Update

Final Update 10/22/19
Plans are confirmed and finalized for our weekend ride to Red Boiling Springs and stay at the Armour's Hotel.

For those needing bags and coolers transported on Friday and returned on Sunday; Steve C. has volunteered his lovely girlfriend Susan. If you need her to bring your bags and coolers please have them to Steve sometime Thursday afternoon or evening, his address is 263 Bellingdon Drive, Gallatin TN (The Plantation) his phone number 512-590-2299

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lake Champlain Loop

In June 2019 we did an eight-day bike ride looping Lake Champlain with a stop in Montreal and visit with the Montreal Bike Club.  The adventure was shared with three articles published in the Indian Lake Peninsula Living magazine.  Here are those three articles: (Aug) New York, (Sep) Quebec, and (Oct) Vermont.

For November's article we will be highlighting the State Line Riders with article contributions from Tony Hernandez, Brian Beisel, and Phil Vickery

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Red Boiling Springs Oct 25th - 27th

Update 9/26/19
Plans are being finalized for our weekend ride to Red Boiling Springs and stay with our good friends Dennis and Debbie at the Armour's Hotel. This three day two night ride will start on Friday October 25th riding from Gallatin (location TBD), riding local from the hotel on Saturday and riding back to Gallatin or your destination on Sunday Oct 27th. There will be a selection of Saturday routes to accommodate all levels, and all days are tour pace.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Bill Barton 2nd Annual Titans Bike Ride and Tailgate Party, 9/8/19

Bill is hosting The 2nd Annual Titans Bike Ride and Tailgate Party on 9/8/19 at his beautiful home on the lake.  129 WINDMILL POINTE CIRCLE, HENDERSONVILLE IN WINDSTAR BAY SUBDIVISION BEFORE WALTON FERRY ELEMENTERY.  GOOGLE WANTS TO TAKE YOU TO CIRCLE DRIVE.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Beat the Heat

With little relieve from the 90 plus degrees and humidity, hydration is more important than ever.  Tom Benim found a great DIY article relative to sweat, cramps, and electrolyte supplements.  
Sweat, Cramps, and Electrolyte Supplements by Coach Hughes  

We have added it to the FOGBEE website for future reference.  Look under Body Safety.

Friday, August 16, 2019


A 14 day window has been opened with JAKROO to order jerseys.  

Thursday, August 15, 2019

eBike Law Information Added to FOGBEE Website

      Last year, I wrote a magazine article about the eBike, featuring Carey Rogers (click here). Those of you who know Carey, know he is the biker's biker.  Co-founder Bike/Walk Tennessee, past VP of Walk/Bike Nashville, co-founder of Nashville Slow Riders, and co-founder of new Bike PAC Safe Streets Campaign..  Carey owns and rides two eBikes

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

For Rachael (your comment on Saturday ride)

With the appropriate motivation we can put YOU in the driver's, i.e. on top of the ChICKEN


Murfreesboro Bike Club (POSTED at 2PM 8/14/19 on FACEBOOK)

It is with much anguish and a conflicted heart that we inform you that the Executive Board of MBC and the co-directors of the HOT have decided to cancel the 2019 Edition of the HOT 100.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

We're Pedaling to Canada

Well, we already did that.  Bruce detailed the trip in his Crazy Guy on a Bike Journal.  Here is the first part of a three part magazine story about our excursion.  Yes, we are already planning our next BIG week-long bikecations. Where to? Mickelson Trail in South Dakota, Chicago or loop around Lake Michigan, Nova Scotia, or who knows where. They are always great biking adventures not to be missed.

A Large Bale of FOGBEE turtles on Saturday's Ride

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Bruce's Epilogue

Now being the most senior FOGBEE living in Tennessee, I learned in the Lake Champlain tour never to under-estimate the power of youth.  Some of the senior cyclists have even  chosen to reward it with trophies as Bruce notes in his Epilogue just added his Crazy Guy on a Bike journal

These journals are a nice FOGBEE tradition (hint) along with the photos on FOGBEE Shutterfly (see the FOGBEE websites). 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Membership & Blog Update

We are updating the membership list and access to this blog.  If you did not receive an email on Friday notifying you of the update, we do not have you registered.  Please complete the registration on the Join Us page 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


We are in the initial stages of placing a FOGBEE Jersey order through Jackroo Customized Jerseys.

Our art work has been sent to them and they are sending me a contract to get some fit kits.

We are going to go with their FONDO regular, relaxed and women's cut fit kits.  As long as we stay in the same style (FONDO) we get a price discount based upon quantity whether regular, relaxed or women's.  The cost for 6-24 is $69.00.  More than 24 is $63.00.

Red Boiling Springs October 25th - 27th 2019

Plans are in place to ride back to Red Boiling Springs and stay with our good friends Dennis and Debbie at the Armour's Hotel. This three day two night ride will start on Friday October 25th riding from Gallatin (location TBD), riding local from the hotel on Saturday and riding back to Gallatin or your destination on Sunday. There will be a selection of Saturday routes to accommodate all levels, and all days are tour pace.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Shoe Advice

After a couple years of putting up with numb pinky toes and hot feet, my Sidi's have decided themselves retire (broken buckle...I may have to duct tape the shoe on tomorrow).  I didn't have the same foot issues in my old shoes, so am going to try switching brands.  After some research, have been thinking about the Fizik Infinito or the Specialized S7 (go big or go home...sick of numb toes).  If anyone has tried either shoe (or another model of these brands) and has some advice to share, I would really appreciate it!  Biker's Choice would only order them in to try if I made a 20% down payment, so looks like online will be a better option.  



Saturday, July 6, 2019

Ol' Rusty

Bruce sometimes takes Ol' Rusty to our weekly Octogenarian Lunch.  She sits outside the window in plain view of the group of Fat Retired Old Guys on Bikes (aka FROGBEES) who also have many parts that no longer work well.  She joins in their reminiscence . . .
Read the entire magazine article at

Saturday, June 29, 2019

We're Back from Up North

It is really hard not to love those 75-degree temperatures in Quebec for biking.  It was a great trip. Bruce detailed it in his Crazy Guy on a Bike journal (click here).  Yes, we took LOTS of pictures. For those interested, click here.  Lastly, the trip will be published in three parts in my monthly magazine column starting in August.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Rick's Cigars and BBQ Ride, Saturday, 6/29

Update:  Bring chairs just in case.

This Saturday, we are going to ride from White House City Park and then grill out at Rick's Cigars in White house following the ride.  Significant others are very welcome to join us after the ride. 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

UpDATE-Chattanooga FOGBEES Trip, Weekend of June 14th-UPDATE

Plans are continuing to come together for the trip to Chattanooga the weekend of June 14th.

Friday:  Arrive.  People will be arriving throughout the day.   So, no specific plans, other than we will go to the Terminal Brewhouse,  next to the Chattanooga ChooChoo Hotel for casual dinner and drinks.

Saturday Night:  Dinner at Table and Tavern, .  Reservation at 5:00PM.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Thank You

Thank you to everyone for your love and support during this past week. I appreciate every word, encouragement, cards, food, visit, acts of kindness, calls, thoughts and every prayer. I remember another time in my life that I did not have my Fogbee family and friends; but this time was much different, I felt your love, support and prayers. I know you had my back and you were pulling me the entire time, and were not about to drop me.
Please continue to keep me, my family and Dylan's sons in your prayers.
Love you all, and may God Bless You my friends!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Lake Champlain

With six bicyclists, we're wrapping up the FINAL plans for the Lake Champlain Bike Tour (12 days).  Find it at

When in Montreal, we'll be joined by members of the Montreal Bike Club, who report to be the first established bike club in North America. Our joint ride will be one of their scheduled activities (Fixtures).

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Supporting Pedals for Paws

Our group helps sponsor and supports Sumner Spay NueterAlliance Pedals for Paws Ride. Another way you can help all year is through your Amazon account.  Sumner Spay Nueter Alliance is registered with Amazon as a charity. By accessing Amazon through this link you can specify them as your charity and Amazon will donate a small portion of every purchase to them.

Sunday, March 10, 2019


A little change up in the scheduled week night rides. 

Tuesday rides will be from Beech or SCHS generally.

We are moving Mike and Sherry's Crystal Creekbed Ride to Thursday nights from White House High School in White House. 

There will be no scheduled Wednesday night rides. 

Woody will be posting Tuesday Rides and I will take care of Thursdays.

Miley will continue to handle Saturdays. 

See you on the road

Mike, Woody and Miley

Monday, February 18, 2019


      Often listed among the top bike routes in the US, the roads and trails around Lake Champlain provide a unique adventure. Starting at Fort Ticonderoga, the FOGBEE Tour group has planned a June 2019 Inn-to-Inn SAG supported excursion up the New York side of Lake Champlain to Montreal and back down the Vermont side to Burlington The eight-day bike tour is on almost flat routes running along the edge of the lake and offers many opportunities to spot Champy.   

      The complete recently REVISED plans and costs are at .  If you are interested in joining us, drop me a note at and subscribe to the trip email.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Used bike wanted

I have a friend that is wanting to get into cycling and is looking for a used bike, approx 56” maybe less. Let me know if you know someone that is looking to sell or has one.
Woody 615-887-6382

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

**Routes updated** New Year, New Roads? Germantown, Nashville Saturday 1/5 9AM

Tired of near misses by suburbanites in a rush, potholes, and otherwise congested roads? Come explore the beautiful, scenic, mysteriously undisturbed, scenic routes in NW Nashville on the smooth tourism-funded roads. We'll start in Germantown at Morgan Recreation Center (the park in front of the Flats at Taylor Place, 1515 5th Ave N) at 9:00 AM. Depending on how many people post, we may move the start to the Cumberland Greenway Trailhead near Metro Medical Supply in Metrocenter as there is more parking there. Please post your intentions or text me so we can plan.