Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Trouble with SNAPFISH

Snapfish Customer Service: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:14 PM
Subject: Why are some of my friends told in the "Uh-oh message" that they no longer have access to FOGBEE room [Incident: 091007-000266]

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 7 days.Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

Hello Tom,Thank you for contacting Snapfish Customer Support.I'm sorry for any inconvenience. This might have resulted due to a temporary technical problem on our site. Please re-invite your friends to join your group room. They should access the group room normally this time. If you have any further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Rajesh Snapfish Customer Support

Lisa has verified that now she can access the FOGBEE room.


wttuckerjr said...


Just tried to access the Fogbee room and again got the "UH-oh you no longer have access to the group room you're trying to visit" message again. Do you need to re-invite me?


Tango Bravo said...

No problems a 7:15 PM.

Tom_E said...

I have sent you another invite. If you still have trouble let me know & I'll file another trouble report.