Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cycling the Great Divide

. . I really hesitate announcing this new release from Adventure Cycling, The Second Addition of the Great Divide Handbook, because we just talked Dave Shumaker out of doing it.  Our compromise is the Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, and the TransAm Tour next September.  Over a dozen Fogbees and friends have already booked it, mostly from the retired old-timers of the club,  but we do have few youngins'. We have a website for this unique and once in a lifetime tour and we're staying IN the parks.   That is something the larger commercial tours of that area may not do.
. . In August I did a portion of the great divide from Glacier to Jasper National Parks.  It was on my bucket list and the scenery was more spectacular than anything I had imagined.  A few years ago I met a lady when I was in Alaska who had just driven it. Her comment to me was, "I just had to pull to the side of the road.  I was in total sensory overload." Although I did it by motor coach, I saw bicyclists all along the route.  I know if I were a lot younger (meaning in better shape), I would find some way to do the Great Divide.

1 comment:

David S said...

OK Tom. You convinced me. Lets start planning to do the Great Divide to Alaska in the Spring of 2015. As you know I have lots of connections in Alaska. We can even do all 6 of the US Bike Routes in Alaska. Eagles, Moose, oil pipelines, caribou etc. etc. are a given and all for free. There are some great bicycle rides (comparable to the Big Hill Challenge) that we could participate in along the way.

Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons will be a good shakedown training ride.