Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Cold Weather Season Is Coming
 and We Don't Want To Get SOFT.

Anyone interested in a little cross-training this winter?  

There's an annual 5K in Nashville called the Rudolph Run.  Up to 2,000 participants run, walk, jog, dance, hula hoop, etc through the streets of Nashville.  They are followed by a holiday parade and then Nashville puts on a fireworks display.

I'm gathering together of team for this occasion called the Red Nosed Runners.  The girls will most likely wear red tutus with candy cane socks or leggings.  Also found some light up Rudolph noses.   Men's outfit hasn't yet been agreed upon.  I personally would like to see us ALL in red tutus but it may not fly.  ;-)  

A 5 K is easy to train for, but you don't have to be a runner to do this.  There will be many walkers and it's only a 5K.  If you can bike 60 miles of hills you can easily do a 5K on your feet. 

I will be doing several events like this throughout the cold winter months in an attempt to maintain a degree of physical conditioning during the off season.  If you'd like to join me in any of these events and/or the training for them, please do.  Everyone's welcome.  Spring comes around quickly and we want to be ready to hit the hills again with strong legs.

Below is the link to the event.  Team name:  Red Nose Runners  Password: Crazytown
If you join a team vs signing up individually, registration is discounted at checkout.

Questions? Comments?  You can post here, email or face book me.  

1 comment:

Kaiser Dawg said...

Friday, Dec 06, with annual downtown fireworks and parade afterwards. I've done this run a few times and it is quite fun, w lots of people!