Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Red Boiling Springs 2013 participants

Tomorrow is the promised day to reconcile with Dennis and Debbie at the Armour's of participants. Below is what I can tell from reviewing posts and comments.  Please let me know if you see any errors, either for yourself or anyone you know since not everyone reads the blog regularly. Even I missed Bob's post.
Also note some route changes since the original post. These were done to put the most scenic roads on the first day. First day Lunch will be at Agave's Mexican Restaurant in the Wal-Mart center at mile 44 in Lafayette instead of Hartsville. Also now on that site are downloadable cue sheets for both days. To print them properly you may need to download to Adobe Acrobat. Click the read more to see list.
RBS Riders Oct 19-20 2013
Long 1st Day Long 2nd Day Dinner on 19th Breakfast on 20th
Gary W 
Gary and Cindy Gary and Cindy
Bruce D  Bruce D  Bruce and Wilma Bruce and Wilma
Philip V  Philip V  Phil and Rosemary Phil and Rosemary
John K  John K  John K  John K 
David S Daid S  Dave and Alicia Dave and Alicia
Jeff G  Jeff G  Jeff and Tammy Jeff and Tammy
Tammy G  Tammy G 

Mike K  Mike K  Mike and Sherry Mike and Sherry
Tony H  Tony H  Tony and Shannon Tony and Shannon
Brett D  Brett D  Brett and Renee Brett and Renee
Doug D  Doug D  Doug and Marsha Doug and Marsha
Mike S  Mike S  Mike and Amy Mike and Amy
Ed T  Ed T  Ed and Gayle Ed
Woody W  Woody W  Woody Woody
Kristi D  Kristi D  Kristi Kristi
Todd J  Todd   Todd Todd
Harry P  Harry and Delicia
Tom E 
Tom and Sharyn
Joe H 
Janice Y 

Short 1st Day Short 2nd Day

Bob G  Bob G  Bob and Misty Bob and Misty

Total 1st Day Total 2nd Day Total Dinner Total Breakfast
21 16 34 27


Todd Jarrell said...

Kristi Draper & i should be on the list.

Gary said...

Bruce: I will not be riding back on Sunday. I have a hockey game that afternoon so that leaves me out for Sunday.

coastdownhills said...

Ok, Will update those two. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, I think the Day/Route links are backwards in the left hand column under "This year's itinerary".

Gary said...

One last thing. The weather looks Perfectly fall like. The long-range outlook is sunny and mid 60's!

Janice said...

I should probably already know this, but don't. If we aren't spending the night at the hotel, how much is the cost for dinner?

coastdownhills said...

You are probably looking at the 2012 ride. The 2013 route links are in the upper right. What I'm looking at appears correct. If that's not the case, post again. One note, the raw Ride with GPS cue leave out the leaft turn onto McClure Street in Red Boiling Springs. It is corrected in the cue links.


Anonymous said...

Yep! Just call me El Stupido! Last years routes! My bad!

coastdownhills said...

They did say "This year's routes." That has been changed.

Janice said...

Well I have a major last minute change of plans. I will NOT be able to ride on Saturday morning due to an important commitment I've had to make. I can make the return ride if I do a some severe freeloading. I would need someone who's driving up Sat afternoon to haul me and my bike up to RBS. Then I would need to find a corner of someones floor space to throw down a sleeping bag, so I could then ride back with the group on Sunday. This is a lot to ask of ANYONE, so if I can't work all this out, my plan will be to drive up that evening on my own, have dinner with the group and drive home the same night. :-)