Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's SPINNING Time at the YMCA !!!!!

It's hard to believe but our 6th year Spinning at the Y is about to begin!  We will start on Tues., Nov. 5th at 6:30 pm. We spin every Tues. and Thurs. at 6:30 pm and, if the weather is not conducive to outside riding, on Saturdays at 10 am.  Thanks to Mike Grubbs efforts the Y is waiving the registration fee and you can join for 3 months. If you have any questions contact me or you can call Jeremy Tackett, Sr. Program Director at the Y at 8269622. Don't sit around and complain this winter about not riding or trying to keep that Fogbee PHYSIQUE. Come over to the Y and spin, swim, run, walk, lift weights or join a Zumba class. It's a great way to motivate yourself by hanging out with your friends and spinning to be ready for next years riding season. Make sure you let the Y know your a Fogbee. I hope to see you all on Tuesday night....Gary


Ed T said...

Signed up and ready.

Woody said...

Signed up and ready for some spinning to Gary's funky music.

Sarah Ritt said...

So excited but I won't be there for the first one. I'm traveling for work then :-(

Caledonia said...

I'll bee there with my HRM dusted off and ready to spin, thanx for setting this up.