Monday, October 21, 2013


We have had a great riding season this year.  The weather has been just about perfect and many new folks have joined our Merry Band of Folks in Tight Shorts.  So many people of different riding calibers started riding with us this year, we had to come up with subsets of Fogbees: Hares, Hounds and Turtles.   Lots of new folk sporting new Fogbee jerseys.   Many great rides and lots of good fellowship following.

Unfortunately, the early setting sun won't let us continue with any further Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday rides.

There will be Saturday rides - weather permitting.  Get out the winter gear.

Also, keep an eye out for the start of  The Gary Williams Spin Class held most Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 at the YMCA in Hendersonville.
See Ya Round,

Mike Knake


Ed T said...

Mike, Doug, Dave, Tom, Bruce and I am sure there are others, thanks for planning and leading the great rides all season. It has been great and I am impressed with the club's growth since I left for PA 5 years ago. Can't wIt for next season, but will be spinning and enjoying daytime rides until then.

Mark H said...

I would like to add my thanks to all who plan and post the rides! We appreciate you!

Woody said...

Thanks also for taking the time to plan and post the rides! it was very much appreciated. I believe we should double your pay.
Seriously...Thank You!!

Todd Jarrell said...

I second all that has been posted!