Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Good News For Christmas!

Randy has made wonderful progress these last two days!
He is now off the vent, only on a nasal capula set at 4 liters.
They are getting ready to bring himj a chair and try to get him up out of that bed!
(Nurses said they weren't sure how strong his legs were going to be, I asked them if they looked at them! He'll be riding again before we know it!)
Gave his shirt to him the other day and he is very proud of it. Wanted to put it on last night, but the nurses wouldn't let him (wonder why???) lol!
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
He's going to make it through this, and will be just a tough on hills as he was before!
FOGBEES are great!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Year End Newsletter

Click here for a copy of my version of the FOGBEE Year in review. Please add your comments for the many things that I probably overlooked.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Randy Has Serious Heart Attack

Have some bad news for you all. Randy has suffered a major heart attack and is in the hospital CVICU in Huntsville. He had a 100% block in his left descending artery which they put two stints in, and is having a terrible time with the sedation they have him on. I heard today thata he has two more blocks that are not the cause of the CVI but they need to be tended to as well. they are waiting to gt him awake and coherent enuf to run more tests. He's fighting all the way, so they have him restrained. Will most likely be spending Christmas in hospital, maybe hopefully in a room not CVICU where visitation is very limited.

Keep Randy in your prayers. He thinks our group is a hoot! (we are!) :o)

. . . Donna

12/20/08 Update: Randy came off the respirators today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008



Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gone missing, Basic Bike mechanics

Tom is aware of my periodic going missing. It would seem this is one as far as Fogbee activity is concerned. Work and out of town family visits. My schedule really lightens up after Christmas, just in time for really fowl weather. Which means Jan will be a good time for Bryan and I to deliver on our promised basic bike service session. A couple of things before we make specific plans.

1. Is there any interest.?

2. If so, what do you want presented? Basic stuff like puncture repair, chain lube, barrel adjustments? More advance like truing a wheel, headset adjustment, replacing the chain, cables or brake pads? Really advanced stuff like headset, bottom bracket and hub service.

Please respond as our plans to do or not, and what and where will depend on the response.

Merry Christmas,


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Used Bicycle Shop

Please see Regional Forum for Walking/Biking Blog on the lower right hand side-bar for more information.

DOT Encourages Funding for Bicycling

The Department of Transportation has issued a Memorandum of Understanding in cooperation with the Departments of Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Interior, and Army to promote uses and benefits of the Nation's public lands and water resources to enhance the physical and mental health and quality of life for all Americans. This effort will encourage healthier lifestyle through diet, exercise and outdoor recreation. This means that the Department of Transportation will further encourage the use of its funding programs to support projects that promote accessibility, walking, bicycling, safe routes to school and other highway safety programs, recreational trails, transportation enhancements, scenic byways, and access to recreation on federal lands. Click here to view the entire MOU.

Posted by League of American Bicyclists.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Nashville Makes it Illegal to Park in Bike Lanes

Nashville, Tenn. passed an ordinance on December 2, 2008 officially making it illegal to park in bike lanes. This ordinance expressly prohibits parking in the bicycle lanes unless the traffic and parking commission has determined that parking within the bicycle lane in specific locations is appropriate during certain hours, and signs have been erected in the designated areas allowing parking in the bicycle lane. Otherwise, parking in a bicycle lane would be punishable by a fine of $50, which is to be assessed through the issuance of a parking citation by the police department. This ordinance has been approved by the traffic and parking commission.

Posted by League of American Bicyclists.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Safe Routes To School

Bruce, Cathy Haley, Shannon Hornsby, and I are working to obtain a grant to provide safe biking and walking access to schools in Hendersonville. We have reviewed Indian Lake, Nannie Berry, and Whitten Elementary Schools. Nannie Berry, championed by Cathy, is our leading candidate. If you would like to recommend/champion a school please comment ASAP. We are fourtunate to have Shannon's assistance. In the last year she has submitted requests for six schools and has obtained three grants.

Click here for more Safe-Routes-to-School Information.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Never too cold for a Rumble

Thanks to FOGBEES who braved the colder than normal temperatures - Bryan, Gary, Mike P, new Italian guy plus a few miles back Christy, Daphnie, and Bob wonder "Where is everyone?" It's a balmy 34-degrees. Special thanks to RUMBLE VICTIM Bob who also braved RT 109. See YouTube Movies and Flickr pictures by clicking here.

Friday, December 5, 2008

What's our name?

Hey Gang,

Isn't this a great time to be a FOGBEE! Since we will now have a larger group of uniformed folks who will, by necessity of wearing those colors with pride, be asked the header question by a greater number of non-cyclists, I think we should have a complete name that we all agree on.

I have heard or seen:
  • Team FOGBEES
  • FOGBEES Cycling Club
  • FOGBEES Bicycling Club
But, unless I'm mistaken, I haven't seen a moniker that is being used consistently.

Many of us use every opportunity to get the FOGBEES name out 'there'. Tom Evans (and maybe others) created business cards, I have a sports blog on The Sporting News and my profile lists FOGBEES as an interest (including my variation on the 'Remember the Titans' chant), and I'm sure other folks have created ideas to let everyone know how proud they are to be a FOGBEE.

All of the names are excellent choices and state who we are, and the last two, of course, what we do.

Does anyone else have suggestions? Other ideas and thoughts?

Remember the mantra . . . WE ARE THE FOGBEES . . . THE MIGHTY, MIGHTY FOGBEES!

Have a great day Fellow FOGBEES!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Parking in Bike Lane

The following ordinance is in second reading in Nashville (see Blog link in lower right of this screen).

Nashville ORDINANCE NO. BL2008-307 - An ordinance amending Chapters 12.40 and 12.60 of the Metropolitan Code to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles within bicycle lanes.

Does Gallatin have similar restrictions for Cambridge Farm's Bike Lane?

Gary's Not to be Out-done

It looks like I have inspired a new generation of Fogbee picture hunters. Regardless, I prefer the rough and tumble bike shots like the one enclosed. VIVA LA FOGBEES! . . .Gary

Saturday, November 29, 2008


The holiday has provide time to work on the FOGBEE Web Site. I have made the following major additions: Site Map, which shows all content, plus drafts Fogbee Policies, Procedures, and Practices; and Bruce Day Page. The site belongs to the Fogbee Cycling Club and can be only as good as the contributions from its members. Please take time to visit and offer suggestions for improvement.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The Nashville Area MPO is currently working with local governments, state and federal agencies, various business and non-profit civic groups, and the general public to prepare a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plan for the greater Nashville region. We need your help in preparing that plan. Click here for MPO Web Site.

The FOGBEES have representation on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). Please visit the MPO Site and post comments that you want communicated in the plan.

For other advocacy efforts on YOUR behalf visit Tennessee Bicycling Advocates.

Help make a difference. GET INVOLVED!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

FOGBees "Rumble" with TDOT

For those who don't know, a FOGBee contingent met with TDOT and other bike/ped advocates yesterday cycling safety issues, primarily how rumble strips, in certain circumstances, pose a hazard. Go to the Rumble page on the FOGBee site to see the excellent information presented to TDOT and related communications.

Special thanks to Tom, Bruce and Nik for preparing a great case and representing us at the meeting, and to everyone else who helped get the process to this point. Thanks to Tom for keeping us informed via the site, also.

Let's all keep up with this, act in any way we can, and keep building the momentum! F-O-G-B...FOGBees, FOGBees, FOGBees!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rumble Strips . . .and FOGBEES Advocacy Efforts

This issue is a great reason, as I see it, to become better organized as an advocacy group. While not all of our humble little riding group will be interested in, or have the time to do, advocacy work (and I'm not sure how we would begin to organize), those of us who are interested, and who have the time, need to focus our energies and efforts.

As a group we cannot expect, for example, Tom (E or B), Bryan, Bruce, myself, etc., to take on a lion's share of responsibility. Burnout will result and some of us have been in groups where that happens.

I don't know about everyone else but my monetary investment in cycling over the past two years has represented a significant portion of my resources. In fact, many of us, due to being active in the FOGBEES, have bought completely new bikes from David in the last half-year.

And I want to make sure I am doing everything possible not only for current cycling folks, but our future cyclists.

Now, hopefully if I haven't pissed anyone off, I suggest we have a meeting of the minds, at BL's or someplace else large enough to roomily accommodate whoever is interested, where we can talk about this idea and see where we stand.
I, for one, see potential here for great things that will go far beyond rumble strips. We are the FOGBEES . . . the Mighty, Mighty, FOGBEES! (Sorry, I just watched "Remember the Titans")

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rumble Strips

As a result of Bryan's and Dave Miley's note on the rumble strip on RT 109, Bruce, David Hardin, Frank Bowyer, and I have been contacting State and County Transportation Planners, TDOT Safety and Maintenance Managers, and our Congressional Reps to see what we could do to find a compromise to this developing issue. As noted in the attached note (click here) we are asking for input from everyone who should have a concern in order to forward their comments to our Region #3 Transportion Planner, Leslie Meehan. Please contribute with your suggestions and with forwarding of the attached note to anyone you believe needs to get involved.


. . . Tom_E

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meanwhile... Back in Hendersonville

Looks like the Fall Foliage Tour was a big success. Not to be left indoors all weekend, Bryan led a small but hardy group of Lites on a ride Saturday PM and again on Sunday AM. It was just as miserable and wet here on Saturday, I am happy to report, and still cold on Sunday but at least the sun came out.

Thanks Bryan.

Fall Foliage report

OK. Our luck finally ran out but some of us claim to have had a good time anyway. A sunny day in the 70's would have been nice. We got one in the 40's with rain and mist. No fog but only because of the 20 mph wind. Congratulations to the hardy crew of seven who struck out from a rainy Smithville with the vain hope things would improve. Things I learned:
1. Sparta has a nice warm place to eat on Spring street. Someone who remembers the name please post.
2. The route worked. Some riders took issue with my description of the "gently" rolling hills
3. The climb to Monterey is not the worst we have done.
4. Fall comes two weeks earlier in Monterey.
5. The Garden Inn is a fantastic B&B. Not really news, but confirmed by our group.
6. It's good to have friends. Also not news but very much re enforced this weekend. Our goose would have been cooked, or more accurately, frozen without our support group.

Click here to visit the Web Page for pictures and PhotoShow.

Thursday, November 13, 2008



How Not to do AB crunches while cycling

In my continuing effortn to make sure the FOGBEES appreciate the dangers of cycling, I present you with my latest informative picture.

. . . GARY

For more Gary click here to visit GARY's PAGE

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Wounded Warrior ride and other points of view

Wounded Warrior POSTS & COMMENTS moved to Web Page (Click Here)

On a different note I just want to say "thanks" to the spinners who came to the YMCA on thursday night (there were 9 of us). Keep up the spirit, invite your family and friends and I'll keep the music lively, LOUD and different each week. Who knows we may fill the place in a few weeks :) Next spin this Thursday at 6:30 pm.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Sick Humor - a la Gary

Tom, My latest contribution! I call it "Raindrops keep falling on my head."


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Great Time

As David Hardin left the party he said, "The FOGBEES are an asset to the community and Gary Williams is a CLASS ACT!"

Thanks again to Gary and his party makers led by Marsha Depew and to all the FOGBEES and friends who made this evening another great one to remember.

FOGBEES Fund Raising Standing for MS 150

Please note that all of us who participated in the to Jack 'n' Back MS Ride qualify for "Recycle" savings if you pre register before November 7. Read below for instructions as to what this means and how to do it. Sounds simple enough.

Good Afternoon Team Captains!

We are only 15 days away from the donation deadline. Let’s continue to amplify our fundraising for these last few, enormously important days! Keep in mind the deadline is November 7.

If you would be interested in a post-bike Team Rally to help boost your team’s donations in the next 2 weeks, please let me know as soon as possible. I would love to help organize an event for your team to raise more money - the competition is getting close!

The TOP 10 teams as of 10/23/08 are as follows:
1. KC Cruisers $ 29,423.00
2. Team Trace Bikes $ 27,073.50
3. Harpeth Bike Club $ 24,090.01
4. BAMS Bike Team $ 23,736.01
5. RAI Renal Riders $ 14,213.00
6. FOGBees $ 13,095.00
7. URSlowriders $ 12,328.50
8. Jack Daniel’s $ 12,122.50
9. Sewanee Conglomerate $ 11,748.25
10. Team 5/3 $ 11,330.00


1. RECYCLE – it’s not only good for the environment, it’s good for your health! RECYCLE for next year’s ride on October 3-4, 2009. Either email me, or call the office to recycle. The registration fee is still only $25, but that won’t last long! Also, if you recycle by the end of the month, you will still receive a free, “in-training” t-shirt during March. VIBES register for free!

2. Remember to turn in your prize forms. These forms are located on the website. Please fill one out and return it to the Mid South Chapter office by mail or fax. The fax number is 615-269-9470.

3. Photographs are still available at to view or purchase.

4. The Tour of Champions trip is in January 2009, in Las Vegas! To qualify, simply turn in a minimum of $7,000 by November 7th. We would love for you to join us!

Sponsorship Information:
If you or your company would be interested in sponsorship for the 2009 “Bike to Jack & Back”, or if you are interested in being a member of the 2009 Committee, please contact me as soon as possible at

Please feel free to email me with any questions at or give me a call at

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
Megan Wingo, Development Coordinator
National Multiple Sclerosis Society -Mid South Chapter
4219 Hillsboro Road, Suite 306
Nashville, TN 37215
tel +1 615 690 5349 fax +1 615 269 9470

MS Vibes Can

Hello VIBES!

I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for the awesome job you did fundraising for the 2008 “Bike to Jack and Back.” This event would not be successful without you and I am sincerely grateful for all of the Fifth Third VIBES!

Although the 2009 Jack ride is eleven months away, we want to ensure that we have all of your support for next year! If you respond to this email and Recycle as riders for next year, you will receive a FREE In-Training t-shirt during the month of March. You will also receive free registration. It’s that easy! You must email or call me by November 7th to get the free t-shirt.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best Wishes!
Megan Wingo , Development Coordinator
National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Mid South Chapter
4219 Hillsboro Road, Suite 306
Nashville, TN 37215
tel +1 615 690 5349 fax +1 615 269 9470


Friday, October 31, 2008

Biker's Choice Grand Opening 11/1/08

Saturday, November 1st, at 9:00 am. Bikers Choice will celebrate a Grand Opening of its new location at 709 West Main. Activities are to include 30 and 60 mile bike tours, refreshments, and prizes. Walk through of the new store. Pre-ride refreshments will be offered in the morning, and light post ride refreshments will be offered between 11:00am and 1:30pm.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kissing the Pavement

In my continuing saga to find bike pictures that make you cringe I found this one.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bell Witch Ride

Awesome, awesome, awesome ! Again I'm amazed by the opportunities to ride in relatively unspoiled beauty just outside my door. Phil and Lisa you out did yourselves picking the route we road today. The white tufted blue sky and warm comraderie were the perfect recipe for a most pleasurable trek. Tell the truth, Lisa, did you think at any time about swapping your bike for your convertible ? The Depot is now on my favorites list as well.

Friday, October 24, 2008

FOGARY Gets Rave Review

Thanks to FOGBEES Gary Williams for leading a fun filled, invigorating spin session at the Y last night. We were missing the familiar faces of several of you who usually participate. You're absence was noted ....... and you WERE talked about !

Let's support one another and especially Gary as we seek to maintain our legs and waistlines ( mine hasn't changed a bit in 4000 miles of riding ) through the dark , cold , rainy days of winter. Spring rides will beckon us sooner than we might think.

See ya next Thursday @ the Y for our next weekly FOGARY. And remember, if you take the GARY out of the FOGARY you just got fat and old. Let's support him !

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The YMCA Spin

To further elaborate on the last post, there are several Fogbees that, during late October to daylight savings time in March, spin at the YMCA in Hendersonville. This includes myself, Doug, Mike K., Brett, Tom E., Allen, Phil, Bob, Andrew and a few others. We spin with others in a class on Tuesday's at 5:30 pm (we reserve a bike by calling the Y 24 hrs beforehand). We also started spinning together (Fogbees) last year on Thursday's at 6:30 for at least one hour. It developed into me bringing music and the group having a great time. We are doing this again starting tomorrow at 6:30 pm. I am NOT an instructor and I do not lead a class. I bring music and we ride together and we kind of follow each others lead. We do not, and can not, exclude other Y members although our prior experiance tells us that, at this time slot on Thursday, there will be mostly Fogbees. We would love to see the Fogbees Lites at this spin and there is no "leave in the dust" issue bc we each do our own pace on the stationary bike and we talk, joke and socialize with each other. We also get a good workout out of it. Of course, you do have to join the YMCA to spin but it's a great facility and you may be able to join monthly (You will have to ask about that with the staff). If anything just try it out once and see if you like it tomorrow as a guest. Anyway, see you all either at the Y or on Saturday.

Jersey Order in Production 10/23/08

Click here to view Jersey Order on Web Page. All artwork/layout approvals done; submitted to Production on 10/23. Our contract price from Louie Garneau is LESS than budget.

All is in the hands of our CPA - Doug Depew who will calculate the refund (about $4/ea) that we give you with your Jersey at delivery a little before December 19'th.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday and Thursday are back to the Y (Gym)

Due to the lack of sunlight we are back to the gym during the week until spring. Remember to reserve you bike a day ahead of time. Normally the FOGBEES spin 5:30 on Tuesday.

On Thursdays, Gary will host the FOGBEE one hour spin at the Y at 6:30pm, no reservation needed (YMCA membership required), but we would appreciate a post each Wednesday or Thursday morning so we know the interest level.

Gary is certified in CPR and will have his spin certification soon. We had a great time last year and plan on more great spin music this year, including ABJ. Gary will take requests on the blog, 24 hours before class. Come keep your legs in shape!!

Posted by the Secretary of Spin

I Need Help.

Several of us on the Hendersonville Greenway Committee are working with Shannon Hornsby (Walk/Bike Nashville) to get a Safe Routes to School Grant for Hendersonville, but we need the assistance of a Civil Engineer to "speak the language" when we make our proposal to the County and City. Does anyone know someone who can help us?

Also, anybody care to join me at Walk/Bike Nashville Birthday Party?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New FOGBEE Web Site

To assist those who wish to promote our Club, I have build a FOGBEE Web site using many of the links that were once part of this Blog. Our site (click here to visit) is larger than most Cycling Web Sites, but can still use contributions from you. Got some ideas? Got some movies we can put on YouTube? Found some problems with our pages? Please comment.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Little Miami Photoshow.

Below is a link to a photoshow done from my images of the Fogbee trip to Ohio. It's called part 1 because my images stop at Corwin. I see Tommy has some later shots but there appear to be no shots at the Fish Market. If anyone has more images of later on the trail and that evening, please let me know and I'll fetch them for a part two.
Little Miami Ride Part 1

Monday, October 13, 2008



Saturday, October 11, 2008

Medical Update

Hi All. I have recently begun riding with the Fogbees and have gotten to know a few of you fairly well. With that said, I wanted to provide a quick medical update. Some of you know that I suffered an embolic event (TIA) this summer and have been undergoing tests to try to figure out what caused it. They found a small hole in my heart that they repaired surgically this week. The good news is that the surgery was a complete success and I am back home doing well. The better news is that the doctors have cleared me to begin riding again in a couple of weeks. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers and I look forward to riding with the group again very soon. I hope you don't mind me sharing.

Chad Moss

Ride from Hartsville Next Wed

I will be leading a 60 mile ride from Hartsville next Wednesday, October 15. It's partly Fall Foliage and partly Avery Trace Scouting, but mostly a nice ride in a new place on what is my "weekend" this week. There are country stores about miles 15 and 40. Proposed route can be viewed at mapmyride Fort Blount West.
Plan to leave Big Looys Hendersonville 8:30 am and get back about 4:30 pm.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

If We Rode Bicycles

If you think about it, a bicycle is the solution to all of the world's problems. If we all rode bicycles, it would eliminate our increasing dependency on oil. If we all rode bicycles, we wouldn't have to worry about a faltering automobile industry bringing down our economy with lagging sales and layoffs. If we all rode bicycles, we wouldn't have to worry about health care costs outpacing our wages by 5 times or more; everyone would be healthy and wouldn't need to use health care for much other than annual physicals. If we all rode bicycles, we wouldn't have an obesity problem in children and adults. If we all rode bicycles, the world would spin a little slower and families could have more time together. If we all rode bicycles, bike lanes and greenways would be a no-brainer. The Chinese used to ride bicycles and everything was doing just that they are westernizing, the world is going to hell in a hand everyone needs to go back to riding bicycles. I think David would support this idea.

Frank Bowyer IV

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The best way to promote an organization is through its Web Site, not through Blogs, MySpace, Facebook, or other personal Internet sites. Google FOGBEES and you can see what others use to find us. Surprisingly, our best links are through MapMyRide and Multiple Sclerosis sites. . . Click here to read more . . .

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ward 5 Residents, Please read...

Please support incumbent Tommy Elsten in the Ward 5 Alderman election. If you wish to support Tommy financially or just want to show your support with a sign in your yard, please e-mail Hamilton Frost at Also, please read the linked article for more information about the race. Thank you and please, remember to vote on November 4.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Transportation Planning Meetings

Yesterday, I was informed of several regional transportation planning meeting for Robertson, Sumner, and Wilson counties. Because of the late notice I missed last night's and will miss tonight's. Click here for attachment of the communications I have had on these meetings. If you wish to get involved and insure adequate facilities for cycling or other transportation modes, here is your chance to advocate on our behalf.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Walk/Bike Nashville Membership Drive

. . . Are you a member of Walk/Bike Nashville? Do you know others who might become members of Walk/Bike Nashville?
. . . As we approach our 10th Birthday and prepare to celebrate at our annual meeting on October 23, we have set a hefty goal: increase our membership by 46 persons. We have 23 days to reach our goal - that's 2 new members each day. Help us reach our goal. Please pass along this email and urge your fellow walking or bicycling friends to join Walk/Bike Nashville today!
Why Join? Click here to read more . . .

Shannon Hornsby, Executive Director - Walk/Bike Nashville

btw...our 10th birthday celebration is at 6pm on October 23 at the Nashville Farmers Market. Join us for cake!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Injury Update

Hey Gang,

Not being used to writing an injury update, I contacted the Great Communicator, New England Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick. His suggestion follows at the end.

But seriously, folks, I really want to share my admiration for being a FOGBEE right now.

First, I apologize to all FOGBEES.

While this was an accident, the cause was due to my inexperience in clips. Making road experience my introduction into clips was a completely irresponsible act. While I may have a broken hip, it could have been much worse given a different set of circumstances. And, had my actions caused an injury to another FOGBEE, my pain would be much greater. As it is, I feel guilty of falling into Jennifer. Had she been fully engaged, injuries could have resulted for her as well.

Even with the inexperience, everything had been working fine. I had clipped in and out all the way from White House. At the cross street of South Cedar and TN25, the left clip hung up and would not disengage. I think I got spooked and just fell.

Most of you are unaware that I have a personal blog dedicated to cycling, Have Bike . . . Will Travel. I am adamant on cyclists’ embracing their responsibilities to the cycling community. I let the community down, if only temporarily. If the busted hip is my penance, so be it. It is a lesson to be learned, and it will be learned.

Second, I am such a blessed and lucky man that the accident occurred as it did. My belief is to acknowledge blessings in life and use those blessings to become a better man. This accident will provide another wide range of opportunities at which to succeed.

Tommy and Rhonda: your conduct as medical professionals was an awesome sight. Given what I learned from the injury this week, without your quick actions, and that of the others who followed your lead, the risk of further orthopedic or internal damages may have resulted.

Phil and Lisa: for stepping up and ensuring my equipment was safe. As we pulled away from the scene, someone, I think it was Tom E., hollered not to worry about the bike. Because of who we are, as a group, the thought that my bike and equipment would not be safe ever entered my mind. Regardless, I am deeply appreciative of you guys. I’ll pick up the stuff ASAP.

Also, to Tommy and Rhonda and Phil and Lisa: thanks for the BEE basket. Everybody I explained it to in the hospital thought it was terrifically clever.

Bob: from the outset, big guy, I think you knew it was more serious than I wanted to believe. You kept plugging away with the humor and kept me in good spirits. I felt fine, but probably looked like death warmed over in a low powered microwave.

To all other FOGBEES who have not been mentioned here, I appreciate every one of you so much. We are a unique and classy group of folks and your friendship is cherished immensely.

As for the injuries: I have a surgically repaired broken hip that will take six weeks of no-impact rest. I am home (as of Wednesday), my daughter lives with me while going to school, and I have other family close by. I have access to a walker, crutches, a wheelchair, a golf cart, and a hoveround (I kid you not; all of this is in my family). I have a bit of pain, but I also have LORTAB, the great equalizer. The doc says the bones look good and thinks my active lifestyle will facilitate the recovery exponentially.

Oh yeah, here is Coach Belichick’s injury report suggestion:
Nik the Stik: Hip Pointer: Day-to-Day

Finally, to DJ Gary: can I request Hippy Hippy Shake for the Halloween gig?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fogbee Lite Injured


Just got email from Tim. He is home and doing ok. He plans to post a blog update soon.
Bruce 9/25/08

Tim (AKA: Nik the Stik) suffered a fractured femur on the milkshake ride today. He was transported by ambulance to Skyline Medical Center and is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning. The plan is for Tim to be ambulatory with crutches and/or a walker by Sunday evening, although his leg will be non-weight bearing for a minimum of 6 weeks. Additional info to follow as it becomes available.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chief Ladiga / Silver Comet Trail...

If anyone has thought about riding these two trail systems, I highly recommend it!!!!
This past weekend, 12 of us left Anniston on the Chief Ladiga Trail (actually in Weaver, AL) Saturday morning and took it to the GA state line where it joined up with the Silver Comet Trail. They actually just finished laying the last 2.5 miles of concrete a few weeks ago on the Silver Comet so there is no longer a detour (but bring your climbing legs for that section.
We then took the Silver Comet all the way to the end in Smyrna, GA. We spent the night at a LaQuinta Hotel and rode back on yesterday. Pretty much everybody rode completely self-supported. We logged about 105 miles each way (including mileage to hotel/Subway in Cedartown, etc.) and it was definitely a trip that I will remember for a long time.
I was amazed at the amount of the work and money that has been put into these 2 projects. Somebody had told me that GA had spent over 24 million dollars on the Silver Comet. The quality of the trails was outstanding and they extremely clean (the GA side was definitely nicer though, all concrete. Alabama side was asphalt). Anyway, just wanted to let everybody know that if you haven't ridden these yet, plan a trip. We had awesome weather, but a trip while the leaves are changing color, that might have made it even better.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Help with a Website

Hey Gang,

Shannon Hornsby at Walk/Bike Nashville has asked for my help in taking a critical view of their site, comparing it with similar sites, and offer suggestions to improve the content.

I'd like to extend that offer to all FOGBEES because ideas of many are better than ideas of a few.

Although WBN is not strictly a biking organization, and although they are more concerned with the Nashville area proper than the greater MSA area (including rural sections of Davidson County), I think we share the same passion for the future of transportation options for the area, especially cycling.

If you have a few minutes to take a peek, here is the site:

[In draft, the link wasn't showing up so you may have to paste it to the browser from here: ]

You can comment here or send me a email to I will making a list of all comments and talking with Shannon in the next month. I would like to be able to cite several FOGBEES ideas and hopefully facilitate our two groups working in concert on future projects.


Halloween Party

Please click on the invitation on the LEFT to view a larger image.
Party for FOGBEES and their friends.
Call Marsha to help.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hello From Philly

Sounds and looks like the Little Miami weekend was a great, although damp success. I really hate that I missed it. The weather in Philly this weekend was a bit better (92 on Sunday). I have put some pics of the Schuylkill River Trail (Valley Forge to Philadelphia) on SnapFish in the Fogbees album. LOTS of bikers up here (two large supported rides this weekend), but still some of the same unappreciating drivers you have in Sumner. So far the rides are nice, my travel bike is holding up well, but I haven't found a Big Looy's yet. However, the Yeungling brewery is just up the road so I'll have to check it out.

Little Miami images

Click on Snapfish link on the right side pane to access albums.


I JUST WANTED TO SAY HOW MUCH CINDY AND I ENJOYED THE OHIO TRIP. THE BIKE RIDE ON SATURDAY WAS FANTASTIC. It really was a great trail ride and I will never forget how much fun it was to ride for miles and miles through dense woods and parks and to visit all the small towns along the way. I appreciate everyone who made the trip and look forward to the next "Great Ride". Thanks to everyone and I just want to say this is one of the reasons I am part of the FOGbees.

We would like to wrapup this outstanding ride with a photo scrap-book on our Web Site & Snap Fish. Please comment if you have pictures to share & how/when we can get a copy.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Looks like Allen, Brett, David, Tom E. and Mike are in for the party. Ken will probably come and Phil looks to change some plans to also be there. So, the party is a go! If you want to help, call or contact me or Doug's wife, Marsha, who is the official "top dog" organizer of the event. I will have invitations for everyone to keep and give to friends next week. Thanks

I need the rest of the FOGbees to respond to the Halloween Party invite I sent on the Blog last week and to let me know by Friday if you would be coming to the party if we had one on Nov. 1. If I do not get at least 15 favorable responses (I have 8 so far) by Friday I will probably go ahead and cancel the plans to have it. Please let me know on the blog or contact me or let me know on one of the rides. Thanks

Well, I've been reading all this Fogbee/Fogbee-lite/Ultra-light stuff and it looks like we are turning into a pretty big bike club. Seems like we need a party to get everyone aquainted again so I was wondering if the whole group would like to have a Halloween Party on Saturday, November 1, 2008 at Glen Oaks Clubhouse. Organization should be easy and I'll throw in the cost of the room as my contribution. Pot luck works and costumes are optional for the shy natured persons. We would need 15-20 riders to come on board for the party and,as before,guests are very welcome.These parties work best with about 50 people in attendence. I also would be willing to DJ again. I need a response in 7 days as I have been asked to DJ a party on that day and I'd rather party with Bike riders! Tell me what you think about this idea. Thanks everyone.

Cycling Safety with Numbers and Courtesy

As you know my philosophy with biking has been BE VISIBLE. Ride from locations where motorists will see us frequently. The FOGBEES intentionally ride down Gallatin Road for that reason. It is great to see Team Bikers Choice, ALL in uniform, also on our main thoroughfares. Now a national survey has verified that I am not a delusional Fat Old Guy on a Bike. Read from the BLOG below.


This article makes me think about Williamson County. There seems to be a lot of animosity between motorists and cyclists down there. Since I work in Brentwood, I have a lot of coworkers who live in Williamson County who, knowing I'm a cyclist, somehow feel the need to complain to me about the large groups who hog up their roads and block traffic for miles, or a cyclist who was rude to them in some manner. An important aspect of the article that was left out is that as the number of cyclists increases, the more important it is to show respect to motorists. I think the Williamson County problem of motorists vs. cyclists is the militant, "this is my road, too," mentality from several rude cyclists in that area who maybe take the Share the Road concept a little too far. We have to be sure that we don't act that way up here. Courtesy comes from "all" who share the road. As always, education is key!

Frank P. Bowyer, IV

Frank, It’s the responsibility of the Club to make sure its members BEHAVE and courteously follow the laws. We all have our independent cyclists who do what they want when they want, but hopefully enough peer pressure will convince them that they are only harming their friends. May I POST your note to our BLOG?


Sure. Most of the people I know (non-cyclists, that is) in Williamson Co hate cyclists and I just don't want that to happen here in Sumner Co. Education is also key for newbies, so they don't get hurt. Remember, according to law enforcement, it's never the driver's fault when there is an accident involving a cyclist. That needs to change too. Our clubs are key to education and exemplifying/enforcing good habits, both on and off of the road (greenways, trails, etc).

Frank P. Bowyer, IV

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Sortie

A special thanks to Bob for leading our maiden Sunday excursion around the peninsula. I look forward to future leisurely loops for these tired old legs.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Ride--Ultralight and Newbies Welcome

Let's go ahead and just ride this  Sunday PM. 9/7 Several folks appear to be interested so meet at Big Looies at be ready to leave at 2:00 PM.  Bob volunteered to lead us on a nice 11 mile loop. 

Pass this ride on to people who aren't quite ready for longer rides. We'll try to do every week unless weather is too bad. 

Football fans will have to make their choice:) Bryan has a morning ride planned which is also going to be multiple loops. 

Friday, September 5, 2008


The FOGBEE Lights concept has been a great success. Almost to the point where a new rider will have a hard time doing the distance or be intimidated by the traffic or the number or riders.
I would like to assess the interest in starting anew ride this fall. I picture it Sunday afternoon – say 2:00 PM. This time will allow us to continue into the winter months.
Route and start-stop point would be chosen to avoid as much traffic as possible. Distance would be 10 miles or so and would allow for multiple loops if individuals desire. Ride leader would pace the group to accommodate the slowest rider.
This could also be an opportunity to do a recovery ride for those who did a longee on Saturdays.
Post your replies or email Tom Benim.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September Plans

In September we have a combination of activities
- 9/6/08: Local Rides - Watch the Blog
- 9/13/08: Little Miami Tour (Plans on Web Page)
. . . . . . . : Need leaders for local ride alternative
- 9/20/08: Tour de Glade & Local ride alternative
- 9/27/08: B.R.A.S.S. (no local alternative)


New DEALS posted on SWAP SHOP.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hadley Bend Connector Inquiry/Response

Hey Gang,

I sent comments along to Liz Beeching at TDOT on the HBC and received a response this morning. I think she addressed the inquiry well but we could still use more folks sending comments and I included Ms. Beeching's contact info with her response.

Tim (Nik the Stik)

I am a cyclist who rides with a group out of Sumner County and one of our members, Dave Miley, attended the 8/14 meeting at Station Camp on the HBC proposal. Dave gave us some details on the meeting via a blog post that mentioned bicycle facilities may be a part of the project.

Having started some road cycling within the last year with an eye toward improving my commute and errand running options, as well as just getting out to ride, I am for anything, even toll roads, that will improve the opportunities for cyclists (and pedestrians) to be integrated into the transportation fabric of our state.

Some of our major arterials and collectors in the Nashville MSA, such as US 31 (E and W) and US 41, are not only horrible for cyclists but also motorists as well, with shoulders that are pitifully constructed or non-existent. Those that are ample for cyclists are so poorly maintained that cyclists do not want to ride on them for fear of major equipment damage and/or flat tires from debris.

So if toll roads are the answer, even with cyclists paying equally as drivers, or prorated down in relation to our superior road impact costs over automobiles, for access, they have my vote.
Thank you for your comments on the Hadley Bend Connector and tolling. Although TDOT saw some support for the Hadley Bend Connector during public meetings held this summer, there was also a strong sentiment from those against this project. The General Assembly requires strong public support for any proposed toll pilot project. The Commissioner is committed to this requirement therefore further tolling work on the Hadley Bend Connector will not occur. The issues relating to bicycle and pedestrian mobility you discuss are very important not only in tolling applications, but also on a broader level for all transportation infrastructure. While this project will no longer be studied as a potential toll facility, it may still hold value as a needed piece of transportation infrastructure. TDOT will support the Nashville Metropolitan Planning Organization's leadership in any further study of this project.

Again, thank you for your comments. I will be sure to include them in the record of public input for tolling.

Best regards,

Liz Beeching
Tolling Coordinator
Suite 700 J.K. Polk Building
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243-0349
Main: (615) 253-2104
Cell: (615) 587-8246

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fogbee Wannabe

A free roaming horse joined the Tuesday Fogbee ride as we made our way along Willow Rd. The horse was ignoring us till Phil called out to him/her. I never got close enough to see. Tom B thinks he was hoping to join us for a beer. The image above taken with my cell phone shows the horse chasing after Phil. Really, it does. Now to file this away with my images of Bigfoot.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Last reminder of Fall Ride

I know it's a while, but tomorrow is last day to definitely get room at Garden Inn. After more research, the route and plans remain the same. So if you plan to do the fall ride, call tomorrow. Then we can put it to bed till after the Jack and back.

I did some scouting by automobile for the Fall ride for November 15,16. 1. The Garden Inn in Monterey will only hold the rooms exclusively for us till August 19, next Tuesday. The benefits are a reduced rate of $125/night per couple. That includes room and breakfast, not the Sat evening meal. The usual rates are $135 and $145/night. The negative is the reduced rate is non cancelable whereas the regular rate is cancelable with a $25 penalty. Currently Phil and I have reservations. You can check out the rooms at 2. The first day route is tough with a very hard climb for 3.5 miles right at the end. I plan to ride the last 18 miles from Sparta to Monterey and loop back via Allgood tomorrow just to see how hard it is on a bike. I will also check out Monterey for places to eat Saturday night. Anyone who desires to ride with me is welcome. I know we will need to plan pickup about 4 miles from the end but the entire stretch from Sparta to Monterey looked pretty hard from behind the wheel. In summary, the route is still under consideration but if anyone wants to assure a place at the Garden Inn in Monterey, they need to call soon. Only eight places left. Garden Inn 931-839-1400

Want a Toll Road with Bike Lanes to Old Hickory & Opryland? Tell TDOT

I passed on last Thursday's ride to attend the TDOT meeting on the proposed Hadley Bend Connector - a toll road that would connect West Main St., SR-45 in Old Hickory and Briley Parkway north of Orpyland. This project is in competition with other proposals to be one of two pilot projects authorized by the recent tollway legislation, and TDOT is holding meetings to get public input. Most of the attendees were in favor, as am I, to offer an alternative to I-65/SR-386 for motorists.

My primary motive for attending however was to state for the record what this proposal could provide cyclists and to ask if facilities or access for cyclists were being considered. Those familiar with the greenways near Opryland know that a cyclist can go east on the Stones River greenway to Percy Priest Dam or can take the greenway bridge west to Shelby Bottoms to downtown. Imagine getting there with a 7 mile ride from Hendersonville on bike safe lanes - sure beats Gallatin Road.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear the TDOT rep say that bike facilites are a possibility and that it's easier to accomodate those in new construction. (Oh to go back to when Indian Lake Blvd. was new construction.)

Let TDOT know what you think at:

For more info on the project go to:

Fall Foliage Tour

Proposed Dates: November 15,16, 2008 Picked for out of town Titans game.
Stay at Garden Inn, Monterey, TN Picked because it's reportedly nice.
1. Drive to and park vehicles at County offices, Smithville, TN. Picked because it goes through nice area and is pretty flat for TN. A killer hill last mile but near enough for rabbits/spouses to fetch up those in need. Food stop at Rock Island or Sparta.

Spouses/SO's drive directly to Monterey or whatever they prefer.

2. Return Sunday to Smithville, via Cookeville. Relatively short, scenic enough with food stop in Cookeville.

The Garden Inn has limited rooms (11) so if we have need for more, there is a problem. I thought there was a motel in Monterey but can't find it on the net. I may have been thinking of Crossville.


Garden Inn

Day 1 route
Day 2 route

Some of the roads are new to me, at least in the last 10 years, so I plan to scout them out, as well as visit the Garden Inn. However, I am relatively confident of the lodging and route so unless someone points out a deal killer, will make my reservations in the next month.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

FOGBEE Party - BIG Success

With help from Renee', the coiffured DJ Extra-ordinaire Gary leads FOGBEES to a night of fun.

For more pictures click here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When Will We Ever Learn

Fat old guys & Fine old gals,
Last night's ride was invigorating as we chased the sun to squeeze in one more thirtyish mile ride before summer is over. Unfortunately, darkness closed in on a few who were either still out on the road or were searching for presumed "lost sheep". As the delegated ride leader, I feel responsible for the unusual shot gun conclusion to an other wise well concieved ride. I allowed us to modify the ride after the start thinking that the fast group and the not so fast group were together respectively. All said and done , I apologize for the craziness that resulted last night. If anyone should know the disappointment of finishing a ride alone , then I am that person. So as to avoid repeats of last night's events, I recommend that we adhere to the mutual agreement that ride routes not be altered unless EVERYONE who started the ride is fully aware of the proposed change. It's a simple thing to do. It is the safe thing to do. It will insure that no one ever rides alone on one of our FOGBEE or FOGBEE Lite biking excursions. Just my take on it for what it's worth.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Phone Number Share

We have had a request for FOGBEES to Share cell phone numbers, for contacting each other about riding, and for use in emergencies on the road. I will compile a list and email it to those who want to share. This will allow you to share only if you want to. If you want to be included please email and include your:


Let's make a deadline of August 22 if you want to be included and receive an emailed copy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Graffiti Road ride images

Thanks to David M for leading this one again. Hear the Lites had 15 riders! Unedited images of the Graffiti ride are at Snapfish.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fogbees take second place!

The Fogbees are already known to have the good looks when it comes to bike clubs but Tuesday night they also showed that they got the brains! The underrated team of Bruce, Brett, Renee, Gary, Andrew, Doug and Mr. Miley "held on" at Big Lou's last night in the "Battle of the Trivia Beer Drinkers" contest and took a $25.00 second place gift certificate to be used on Saturday after the ride at Big L's.
Several miscues led the Fogbees team to lose by 10 overall points including Gary's bumbling failure to wager any points the first 2 questions (which we got right but got no points!); Doug's over confidence when he "swore" he knew what year the 49'ers beat the Bengals ( he wasn't even close!) and Brett's final question bombshell when he missed the question "What was the name of the venue where the Blue's Brothers played (the song "rawhide")? The answer was not "Cowboy Bob's! Still, Bruce's amazing "Red Badge of Courage" and my "Billy Preston" answer had the crowd hating us even more,but in the end, too many miles, too much beer and a guy who knew what the "golden egg cup" teams were was too much for the Fogbees. Like they say "There's always next Tuesday"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Swap Shop Works!

In two days I have already sold the biking shoes and water bottle holders. You all should try the site and post your unused bike equipment as there is a market out there.

Exchange or find pre-used stuff on SWAP SHOP. Send it to and we put it on this Web Page.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Comments from Frank Bowyer

. . . We're about to lose the bridge over 386. It currently has 2 lanes with shoulder space, but will soon be 3 lanes with no shoulder space. Much worse, the northbound will consist of 2 lanes to ease traffic on ILB. What makes this worse is that such a proposal is not safe for cyclists to ride in the area around the on/off ramps in order to head north on Drakes Creek Rd.
. . . I need your input. Who do you support for Sumner County Commissioner, and why? Let me know based on your experience and knowledge of these candidates' actions. The choices are Anthony Holt, Ragan Hall and Paul Goode (is it Paul?). I'm registered as a delegate for the Republican caucus, which will be held at the Taj Mahal on 8/16.

Frank Bowyer IV

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Hammer Ride

My hat is off to David Miley for sharing Saturday's ride, despite threatening weather and diminished participation. The ride out of Gallatin through Bethpage and up to Westmoreland was nothing short of wonderful ! David and Gary rode point with me and Doug doing rear guard duty. Even though I'm truly a FAT old guy, I'm dubbing this route the " hammer " ride because you can ride a lot of miles of it flat out and it includes the most inviting incline to the top of the Highland Rim I've ever seen. As we climbed to Westmoreland i kept holding back expecting some hidden surprise near the top. Never got surprised. There was one stretch of Old Hwy 31-E north of Westmoreland where the road encouraged one to go faster and faster. It was one of those rare topographical features where the road appears to be gradually flat to rising but your pedals tell you you're on a subtle downgrade. I told Doug that we could ride to Michigan with a road like that. This ride should be done again in the fall by all of us. Without a doubt, I'm placing this ride in my top three local rides.

Friday, July 25, 2008


I noticed in the paper that the "Music City Brewer's Festival" is from 2-8 pm at the Hilton downtown with over 40 world-wide breweries represented. Anyone interested?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SUPPORT Greenways for Sumner County

We were all saddened by the news about the death of Hank Thompson after a lengthy battle with cancer. As many of you may know, Hank was Sumner County Commissioner and friendly to our greenways and general "cycling/running/ walking-related-activity" causes. Hank has been temporarily replaced by Ragan Hall. On Saturday, July 26th, there will be several GOP County Caucus events throughout Sumner county to elect a representative to fulfill Hank's unexpired term. SUPPORT GREENWAYS through political action. Please click here to read more.

Frank P. Bowyer, IV

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hendersonville Greenway

. . . Frank Bowyer has a GOOD NEWS Report. He and David Hardin examined the proposed site for the Indian Lake Village Greenway last week. A path has been cleared and 10-ft wide stone trail constructed near the site of the new library. As you know this Greenway terminates at the little bridge over the CSX RR on STOP 30. This bridge will be accessible only for pedestrian/bike traffic.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm in a New York State of mind

Hello fellow Fogbees. Just wanted to say hello from the Big Apple. We have seen Times Square, the Empire State Building, shopped in ChinaTown, ate lunch on the streets of Little Italy, seen A-Rod hit a homer in Yankees Statium, riddin the subway every where and had a fun biking experiance (will eplain later). Anyway, see you all Tuesday.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Could be an upcoming FOGBEE Lite

Yes, your eyes are not fooling you, this is Marsha. She is at Percy Priest Dam. Today Marsha and I did the Greenway ride. Our speed was not up to even Lite, but we just took our time and enjoyed the Greenways. We made a stop at the Jack in the Box (May become a regular stop on the Greenway Ride) and got a Strawberry Banana smoothie for some extra carbs. Hope you all had a good ride tonight.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shorts for our Jersey

Before I spend a lot of time on design, I would like to get an idea how many people are interested in purchasing shorts. I have discussed designs with Kimiko at Louis Garneau and have placed information for your consideration on our Web Site. Please click here to review and then enter a COMMENT as to how many shorts you would be interested in buying, provided you like the design. Also, comment if you aren't interested. Please note the same guy (KJ) who put the beer (or Vernor's Ginger Ale) mug with our bee also suggested the base color.

Cyclist Injured on New Shackle

Travis Simpson (an Acme Biker) was hurt this morning on New Shackle near Drake's Creek. He was looking back and ran off the road. He ended up in the hospital with torn ligaments in his shoulder.

Back from Monticello, KY

Hey, guys. Posting this from front porch of cabin on Lake Cumberland on off chance of being near Wifi sometime today. The ride was terrific, had about 15 min of rain just before getting to Red Boiling Springs but was no problem given the wide shoulders on 52. The route included a little gem named Ferguson Hill Road, not for hill haters. My selective forgetting of hills was working as usual. I remembered the ride being hilly, especially Savage Mountain just past Albany, Ky which I again had to walk, but the rest of the ride into KY was much hillier than remembered. Still, got there OK and fresher than I remember from last trip. That was probably due more to the 70 degree, low humidity this time as opposed to the 95 degree high humidity of last trip.
Don't think this will be on the Fogbee ride agenda any time soon. I was beginning to hate the downhills because one knew what was to immediately follow. Did not get out of my granny for 20 miles because I wanted the downhill to last as long as possible and all the uphills immediately required a granny. Plan to be on the ride Tuesday.
Update, I'm back and was no where near wifi. Sorry to hear about Brad. There are bad, worse, and absolutely terrible cervical spne fractures. Hope his is one of the lesser bad.
See you tonight.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Deficient Road Design = Bike Injury

This picture was taken with a cell-phone on Bonita Pkwy Hendersonville on 7/12/08 after a FOGBEE cyclist distracted by traffic hit a grate over a storm sewer. The slots run parallel to the flow of traffic and are wide enough to swallow a bike tire. The smashed helmet, split into two, shows the damage as the grate caught the tire and cyclist went head first into the pavement. As the cyclist laid on the street, passing motorists called 911, which in minutes solicited a response of three police cars, a fire truck, and an ambulance.

This accident could have resulted in serious back, neck, and head injuries and worse if the cyclist had fallen into traffic. Fortunately, after a thorough examination by the EMT's he walked away only with facial abrasion and a very sore back. (Click on photos to enlarge)

UPDATE 7/14/08: Biker has a fractured C7 vertebrae and will be seeing neuro-surgeon this Friday. His wife is upset because the grate is an obvious hazard. I explained that the Greenway Committee has brought these issues to the attention of Mayor Foster's office in past (Wessington Rd and Thornton Market) and received only promises of action. We expect a similar reponse until someone is seriously hurt.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Jersey - In Production

Hello Doug, I have received your signed layouts and will be putting your order into the early stages of production later today. I hope you are pleased with the resulting product and I thank you for your time and business, have a great day. Cheers,
Nick Beaulieu, Graphic Designer
Louis Garneau USA Inc.

. . . Nick says, "Expect Jersey delivery by September 1'st."

7/11/08: Thanks to the "smartly dressed" Dave Miley and Dave Buckman who showup for rides with shorts matching their jerseys, I have been asked, "Where are our shorts?" I do plan to design shorts. I just had jersey fatigue. This weekend I will have samples for your inspection.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

FOGBEE Priorities

. . . A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
. . . The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
. . . The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.'
. . . The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. 'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
. . . The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else---the small stuff. 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. 'Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Cycle another hour. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
. . . One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you asked.' The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.'

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Police Encounter

While doing my Mud Hollow training loop today I encountered Church Traffic leaving Our Lady of the Lake at 12:35 pm. That alone was a surprise. First Baptist traffic was all gone and I always thought we Baptist were the worst for long sermons. Anyway, I slipped into the very polite stream of traffic easily enough and proceeded to the intersection of Stop 30 and Drakes Creek Rd where a policeman was directing traffic. He held everyone up for a few seconds to come over and tell me he could write me a ticket for holding up traffic by not riding far enough to the right. Then waved me on and said" Have a nice ride." Now I'm in a quandary.

I was riding just to right of the oil streak, on the place where most cars right tire goes, which is technically not as far right as possible. But then I was doing about 25 mph and it was only 200 yards from the church exit to the intersection and did not consider that anyone wanted to speed up fast enough to pass me in that distance anyway. Certainly the SUV behind me was keeping his distance. If I had gone way over to encourage a pass, I would have created a dangerous situation. Etc, etc, for my reasons but I was not about to attempt a discussion on the spot. I did note his particulars for later reference. I think he is a reasonable guy and was honestly giving me what he thought was good advice for my safety.

I'd like to discuss this with him and spread the word that on most of our roads we cannot possibly ride far enough to the right to allow cars to safely pass us when there is oncoming traffic or limited sight distance. However, given my perceived attitude toward cyclists by the Powers That Be, any pubic airing of this, including this blog, will likely get the guy into trouble for not giving me a ticket. Certainly more likely to create ill will than to help. Bummer.
Fortunately, the rest of the ride was great, legs strong, nice breeze, polite cars, no dogs so my immediate impulse to put my home up for sale and move out of this g*d**n city has passed.

What do you guys think? I'd sure like to chip away at the attitude that automobiles have the absolute right to proceed as fast as the road surface will allow, but also don't want to make things worse for us. I probably break five laws with every trip out of my drive, be it by car or by bike.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Intro ride idea

I am planning to do a much shorter (and less hilly) ride next Tuesday with April. So we thought if there are any significant others who might be interested in riding that they'd be welcome to join in.

We will be leaving from the Family Restaurant on Stop 30 (near New Shackle) at 6PM and doing around 7 or 8 miles of the mostly flat Stop 30 / Drakes Creek area.

We will be out of town Tuesday the 8th, but are planning to do this again the following Tuesday, July 15th.

Beyond that we'll see if the mileage and hills increase a bit...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gone Graffitti

Fantastic ride today guys ! Feel like I should eat some Wheaties for having seen so many amber waves of grain. I guess I'll have to settle for the next best derivative of grain........ beer.
David , thanks for the maps and routing. Next time we traverse Graffitti we need to carry cans of spray paint in Bruce's panniers ! Tom, thanks for fitting us to our jerseys.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Don't Ride Against Traffic Flow

Tom : I have a new bike picture for you to post. (the others are pretty amazing also). I didn't think I could beat the Mexico race accident but I think this does. Could you post it for the FOGBees. Gary Seee you next Thursday.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fall Foliage Tour 08

Now that it's hot as blue blazes we can anticipate with favor a ride in cooler weather. And it's never too soon to begin planning. For this year's fall ride I propose a Saturday/Sunday out and back from Hendersonville to Cedars of Lebanon State park. The ride could be as short as 40 miles and relatively flat to whatever and hilly. To avoid back tracking as much as possible, about 60 miles each day would work well.
The park has cabins but no restrauant on site. We could drive back about ten miles to Lebanon or take stuff to prepare at the cabins. Their Delux AAA cabins rent for about $110/night and advertise to sleep 6 but that depends on the mix. Each cabin has two bedrooms and another double bed in a loft. I have usually slept on the couch and done very well.
The time can be from late October to mid November. It seems middle TN weather gets bad about first of October but then we have a warm dry spell mid November. No promises but it worked out well enough for Red Boiling Springs last year. Ok, there was a miseble headwind coming back.

Other/future options are a drive to Henry Horton and do some loops. Rock Island State park is also a good option for a drive and ride weekend.

Let me know who is interested and any preferences for dates and place. We can work on difficulty level of routes etc as planning progresses.


Just to let you all know, I went to the bike shop yesterday (after the ride from Hell,Part II!!)and was talking to Travis (I believe is his name) who repairs the bikes and he said the following:
1. The FOGBee website (blog) is fantastic and he regularly visits the Blog. He says that the information contained therein is exceptional and that he gives the blogsite out to people he knows. He particularly likes the maps.
2. He also said that the FOGBees had developed into a great bike club and we were very dedicated to the art of cycling (or something like that).
Lastly, a person I know, Dean, was shopping for a bike for his son and he immediately said, when I began to explain the ride yesterday, that I must be a "FOGBee". I asked him how he knew that and he said that he had heard of us! I invited him to ride sometime.
Unintentionally, our hard work and dedication pays off in other ways.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rogana Ride

Doug, although I'm still feeling somewhat scorched, I thought that route today added just the right amount of adventure to keep the wheels turning. Thanks for the rest breaks, the views along Greenfield , and the comraderie during and after the ride. It was good how we worked it out so each one had the ride they wanted and no one got left behind. David and Gary , I'm not sure why you wait for us , but I'm appreciative that you do. Brett, your a wandering prince for herding and guiding us along the way. We've a special thing as fellow FOGBees, unlike any band of brothers I've experienced yet. Oh, and by the way , Rosemary said my noggin looked no more or less hairy, but my butt seemed shaggier !

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ed's Jersey Movie #2

Mexico Needs 3-Ft Law

Check out this gallery I found at AOL...

Tom post this on the blog . . . Gary

Bike info

The twist bands that I use to tie the wheels of the bike on trips are called "kwiktwists" and can be found all over the internet for sale. I have tried to remember where I bought these but can't recall. They may have them at walmart.

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have some new party dates for Glen Oaks Clubhouse as follows:
JULY ----26
AUG.----9, 16, 23, 30

These are all Saturdays and the party would start around 6 0r 7 pm. I would like to reserve the clubhouse by Friday so let me know what works.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

By Popular Demand

. . . Because of the interest in FOGBEE history, Bruce's post "Back by Popular Demand" has its own PERMANENT Web Page, which will keep our young lady from disappearing in the future. Please click "FOGBEE History - The Yazoo Connection" also found in the Side Bar.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The July 4 Comet

It is final, Marsha and I will be going to visit my daughter in Canton GA over the 4th of July. The 4th is a Friday, so everyone should be off. I am planning on riding the Silver Comet on the 5th of July. . The trail comes complete with a tunnel to avoid climing the moutain!! If there is some interest I will have Heidi look for a suitable hotel close to activities. She says her Jamacan girlfriend will lead me on the ride if she is available that weekend!! No pressure to make this an "official" activity. I will just warm up the trail for a future ride. Just wanted the group to know I was going to ride it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The Iron Man Triathlon on Panama City Beach is a grueling endurance test, starting with a nice 2.4 mile swim , it is followed by an 112 mile bike route and finishes with a full 26.2 mile marathon. Last Saturday Marylin COMPLETED Half-Ironman in 7 hours and 11 minutes.

Click to read her story