Saturday, December 24, 2011

2nd Annual FOGBEES Christmas Parade a Success

The FOGBEES outshone themselves as seen in this shot of Bruce Day.

For a portfolio of pics, go to our Shutterfly via the blog / website icon.


Christmas Lights Ride

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Light Up Your Ride

The rain for Thursday evening appears certain! We will ride on Friday evening (12/23/11) instead -- same time, location, and route. Hope to see y'all then.  Jolly Ollie says, "Be ready for Karaoke night and the singing of Christmas carols."

Gary had a great batch of toys to take to the Christmas Program.

Looking for lights for your bike. Best selection in town is at TARGETS and WALGREENS.  Neither Lowes or Home Depot have any.

Click here for instructions to apply lights to a rotating wheel.

To see all the POSTS on the Christmas Lights Ride CLICK HERE.
Now a little song from Gary and the RAIN-BEES to put you in the mood.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Thank you to the Fogbees who contributed to an overwhelmingly successful Christmas gift giving cause for those children who were in jeopardy of having no real Christmas this season. You donated toys and gifts to six children in need. These toys were delivered yesterday (and today) to Gallatin for distribution to the families. Way to go Fogbees. (Note: this picture does not include about 6 other gifts that were left next door to my office that I was unaware of until this morning).

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Lights Ride Regional Competition

The Fogbees are the best bicycle club ever ( no dues, no drop, no ego, etc.) but the guys in Knoxville make a good showing in the Christmas Bicycle Decorating category.  Are are they taking it too seriously?  Perhaps, but no reason to not steal some ideas.
Link to Knoxtrans Christmas Lights Ride.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Special Note on the Toys

If, for some reason, no one is at my office on Friday or Monday when you come by to leave your Christmas gift please just leave it next door (to the left side of my office) at the accounting firm. Thank you. Gary

Toys for Tots Collection by 12/20/11

Because our ride is late this year, we will be collecting toys for the "Christmas Program for Tots, Tween, and Teens," instead of the "Toys for Tots." The Christmas Program collects toys for families whose children will not have a Christmas. The families selected have children of the following ages 2, 3, and 6 year old girls and 4 and 5 year old boys. There is also a 12 year old girl, but Sharyn Evans says she plans to buy for this girl. You can also help with this 12-year old, but we want to try to be sure all the kids get something for Christmas and it is easier to buy gifts that any of the younger ones can use.

Instead of bringing your gift to the Christmas Lights Ride on Thursday night December 22'nd, we ask that you

drop an UNWRAPPED gift off at Gary Williams office during working hours
before Tuesday (12/20/11) noon. 

Gary is out-of-town so leave them in the office with his staff. His office is at 131 Maple Row Bldg #A101 in Hendersonville. Gary will take the gifts to Christmas Program Tuesday afternoon.

Thank you for giving a child a Christmas.



We have new Spinning cycles at the YMCA! Yippie!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bruce Day , Tom Evans , and David Hardin represented the cycle community eloquently tonight in supporting the Sanders Ferry greenway / walk / bike trail project. A few individuals questioned the necessity of said project; however, the majority alderman sentiment appears favorable to initiating this recreational / transportation public project. One elderly female citizen painted a vivid portrait of pedestrians taking their lives in their hands traversing the guard railed passages over the lake incursions along Sanders Ferry in front of her high rise condo home. She pointed out how other seniors will utilize the walkway regularly.

The vote has been called for the ordinance by Mayor Foster and the aldermen have elected to pursue the Sanders Ferry project unanimously ! Chalk one up for the good guys.

Cycling With Aggressive Dogs Around

I found this in a recent Bicycle Magazine article:

By Neil Bezdek

New York City has its drivers. Colorado suffers from an oxygen shortage. Portland is a monsoon. California can’t afford to fix its potholes. New England won’t thaw till May. The Midwest is a wind tunnel. And the Southeast, my current training ground, has dogs. Every workout is interrupted, or enhanced, by canines looking for a quick meal.

Dogs pose a real threat to cyclists. Some riders carry pepper spray, and others resort to canine-repelling sirens. But this is where I draw the line. I might shave my legs, roam around in tights, and try to keep my body weight on this side of feather-light, but I can defend my place in the food chain under my own power, thank you very much.

So next time you’re out riding and a hound threatens to make you lunch, keep the following in mind.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tour de Cure May 19, 2012

Is anyone riding the TdC in Nashville on May 19? I registered today and didn't see a Fogbee team. If anyone else is riding or interested in riding, I created a team for us. When you register, it should ask you if you want to join a team. Put in "Team Fogbees" and then click join. I hope we have a good turnout for this.

Jason Sexton

Friday, December 9, 2011

2'nd Annual Christmas Lights Ride - Dec 22, 2011

We have been asked, "Where is Jolly Ollie?"

Do you need help with Christmas Lights decorations for the ride on THURSDAY December 22'nd? Give us a shout at  Unfortunately, Rudolph, the winner of last year's best decoration can not make it.  He and Gail have been surprised with their FIRST grandchild.  He preferred grand-baby sitting.  That means the competition for the best decoration is wide open.  Again, need ideas? Go to the webpage.

A Nice Little Hill Climbing Route for Bryan

The Tour of British Columbia (TdBC) is an amateur ultra-endurance cycling challenge of epic proportions. Riders have 105 cat 5 climbs, 35 cat 4 climbs, 29 cat 3 climbs, 16 cat 2 climbs, 11 category 1 climbs totalling 48,000 meters ( more than 150,000 feet) of climbing and 5,105 kilometers of non-stop cycling between the start and finish lines. 


UPDATE 12/9/11 I have just sent out invitations to the remaining 26 member/families, who did not respond to our previous INVITE.  I found new email address for about 9 and sent a SECOND invite to the rest.  I am still getting invalid email address responses to about same ones I noted before.  If you don't get an Invite, contact us as shown below.

On Sunday we sent out 76 Invitations to re-enroll with the FOGBEES.  Thus far we have received 45 acceptances of our invitation.  However, Google says the following email addresses in our membership list are no longer valid:
    If you recognize one of these INVALID addresses, please ask the owner to send us his/her correct address to

    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Sad News

    For us "OLD" Fogbees a sad note. Nashville Singer/Songwriter Dobie Gray has died. He sang a great song I'm sure you will remember.

    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    Saturday, December 3, 2011

    Christmas Lites Ride

    My prior comment about having a trailer courtesy of Caledonia, AKA David Irvine got buried. Here's what it looks like and the music set to be played. If anyone has some favorite to be added, send me an mp3 or tell me the name and artist and perhaps I can obtain it.  The current playlist is 58 min so we should avoid last years repetitions. The Postman tired of the music after the fourth repeat.

    Click more to see playlist

    The New Blog

    UPDATE 12/2/11: I have revised the background image as requested by Tom_B.  See comments for discussion.
    UPDATE 12/3/11: Fixed pixalation of lettering around the logo as requested by Gary. See comments for discussion.
    UPDATE 12/4/11: Blog converted.  Only a few webpages have been rebuilt.  This work takes an enormous amount of time, so please be patient.  I plan to do a few hours every day. 
    - Membership re-enrollment sent via Google Group Announcement.
    The new blog is ready. Nothing was lost.  I am now rebuilding the website.

    Friday, December 2, 2011

    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Hendersonville Greenways & Trails

    The City has added a Greenways and Trails page to its website (click here). It provides further details regarding the Ordinance 2011-39, which is in first reading at BOMA and has appeared as a headline article in the Hendersonville Star News (here's a link to the article). The Ordinance includes funding to build a Bike Trail from Gallatin Road to Sanders Ferry Park.  The article alludes to the Bike Trail as a road-widening project for Sanders Ferry. If we could get a Bike Trail down Sanders Ferry Road for $1.5 Million, it would be fantastic.  Because of the heavy traffic and narrow roads on this peninsula, bike and pedestrian traffic on this peninsula is nearly impossible. It would open up Sanders Ferry park to greater recreational use.

    Aldermen Stamper and Elsten voted again the Bike Trail. 

    Is this something we need a strong show of support for?  What do you think?

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011


    Next week, everyone on our membership list will receive an email from with an invitation to join this group.  It is a ListServ which our ride and event leaders can use to send club announcements.  It's private; nobody else can send email with it.

    Your response also allows us to update the club membership list and to re-authorize people to POST to our blog. Families only need to respond once, unless the spouse wants his/her own separate listing.  If you don’t accept our invitation by January 1’st, we will delete your record.

    Unfortunately, some of our email addresses may be out-of-date (one of the reasons for the update) and during the winter months many don't read the blog. Please help by notifying others that they need to reconfirm their membership.  If you don’t receive something in the next couple of weeks send us a note at . We don't want to lose anyone.

    Bottle Cage Warning

    On my last ride my bottle cage broke. No big deal. Just remove the bad cage and put on a new one. Should be among the easier repairs. To quote The Band Perry, "Uh,Oh!"

    Saturday, November 26, 2011

    IMPORTANT: Web Site Rebuild & Membership RE-ENROLLMENT

    . . Our website was built in 2008 and much of the content is stale.  Also, some of the recent Web Browser updates have buggered up the font rendering.  I just had to reformat everything.
    . . As I was redoing every page I noticed just how out-of-date much of it is and how badly everything needs a total redesign

    Thursday, November 24, 2011

    Burn the Calories Off Ride From the Gerst Haus 11/25

    Sherry and I are going to ride from the Gerst Haus Friday morning at 9:00AM to the dam and back.  We will have lunch at the Gerst afterwards.   All are welcome to join us. 

    Mike Knake

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Chistmas Lights Route DEC 22'nd

    Here is the route we are considering for the Christmas Lights Ride.  It is a little over 14 miles in length and focuses on passing through Hendersonville's major shopping areas. I expect it will take us two hours to complete (6:30 to 8:30).  Bruce is pulling a wagon with our Christmas Tree and boom-box.
    . . We are also considering Media Coverage this year, but are hesitant to contact them until we have a reasonable idea on who plans to participate.  This ride is open to everyone. Please share your plans with a COMMENT.  No need to repeat if you commented on the initial XMAS Lights POST. (If not a FOGBEE, mail to

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    What's a FOGBEE?

    Much better when watched in FULL SCREEN! Click on the little box.

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    Fast old guy on an old bike


    As the saying goes, "If you fall off the horse, get back on it." Or perhaps, "Where there's a will, there's a way." In legendary ultra cyclist Michael Secrest's case, he had to get back on his 1996 GT track bike on nine different occasions, over the span of several years, before he finally broke the 100-mile indoor track cycling record. He did this at age 58! Bravo, Michael! Here's a write-up about this incredible, multiple world record-breaking achievement from

    On his 9th attempt, 58-year-old Michael Secrest set a new indoor 100-mile world record on October 15, 2011. Secrest covered the 100 miles (161 km) on the Home Depot Center Velodrome track in 3 hours, 46 minutes, 16 seconds - at 26.52 mph (42.68 kph).

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    2'nd Annual Christmas Lights Ride - Dec 22, 2011

    The Second Annual Christmas Light Ride is THURSDAY December 22'th. The DATE CHANGE was to accommodate the schedules of our original participants. We are still working out the details and there will be more to come. We are going to ask that everyone who participates to bring a unwrapped toy. The toys will be given to the Toys for Tots Program.

    The ride will start from parking lot in front of Jolly Olly at 6:30PM and ride a short distance, no more than 10 to 15 miles. It'll be really slow. Jolly Olly is delighted to host our after-the-ride party. If you need help decorating, go to our webpage. Santa has many helpers willing to assist. All you need are Christmas lights and duct tape (Duct tape and Christmas lights sounds kind of redneckie to me but we are the Fogbees).


    You don't have to be a FOGBEE to ride.

    Greenways & Trails

    This month's issue features grant opportunities, communities taking action on obesity, and cities in the news. Click Here.

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    Morning Ride

    Now that I got your attention with this spectacular photo from Phil Vickery on his drive into Whitehouse last week, I wanted to tell you that Sycamore Springs and Demos have confirmed to support our 2012 Cycle For Life Ride on October 27'th.  Don't forget to visit our webpage click here to view more of Phil's and Don's (Claussen) creativity of the Inaugural event.

    Friday, November 4, 2011

    Cystic Fibrosis Ride For Life

    . . Our inaugural Cystic Fibrosis Ride for Life raises $21,000 for Cystic Fibrosis.  The committee has met and selected October 27, 2012 (4'th weekend in October is OURS) for next year's event.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS.
    . . The army of volunteers did fantastic, providing a long list of accolades from participants. So we aren't changing anything.  The only thing we have been asked to do is -- get the word out earlier.  Tell everyone! Be alert for some special offers.
    . . Pictures, slide shows, and photo shows are available on our website.  Click here or click on the link above in the header navigation.

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    They're Everywhere, Almost

    I am sure everyone has seen sharrows popping up on many of our state roads in Tennessee.  Jessica Wilson of TDOT says “This is part of TDOT's recent effort to add bicycle facilities to resurfacing projects when it is listed in a local plan- i.e. Charlotte Pike, James Robertson Blvd., SR-17 in Chattanooga, etc...”  If you don’t know what sharrows are, follow this link

    Jessica’s comment caused me to reflect on how a group of middle Tennessee bicyclists met with TDOT officials three years ago, almost to this date, to protest the rumbling of bicycle routes.  We used rumbling of a popular shoulder on SR 109 in Sumner County as our rallying point. The outcome of that meeting was not exactly what we expected.

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    What a Party! Just look at who showed up!

    I wanted to thank everyone who attended the biggest Fogbee Halloween Party ever. Over 80 party people rocked the night away with games, prizes, a special wedding dance by "the newlyweds", a tribute to Jennifer (who is moving away) and who led the party goers on a "train" ride and all the other fun and Fogbee hospitality that prevailed that night. The food was outrageous, the costumes were great and the dancing didn't end until midnight. A slide show will be up on the blog in the next week for you to laugh at. See you next year!

    Sunday, October 30, 2011

    Enjoy the Cystic Fibrosis Ride Again

    Working for YOU

    PATIENCE! It takes about 15 second to pull down the video from Channel 4. Click to view. Yes, there's a short commercial. That's why I get to share it with y'all. The young lady who was interviewed is Sarah. She is who rode with me at the Cystic Fibrosis Ride.

    Saturday, October 29, 2011


    Another benefit of being a FOGBEE -- Gary's parties. Click on the picture above.

    Sunday, October 23, 2011

    I'm Proud to say "I'm a Fogbee" (A humbling experience)

    Yesterday's CF ride reminded me how important our Cycle Club is and the impact we have in the community. I was proud to be part of a great event sponsored, in part, by the Fogbees. The Fogbees were instrumental in the creation of this event, including the route, the place the event was located and having input on all levels. Over 20% of the riders were Fogbees! Our Club had a HUGE (that means GIGANTIC)Volunteer turnout including Fogbees, spouses, friends and relatives helping with parking, setting up the morning ride, marking the route, Sag support, rest stops, a truck ride up to the party, etc. We helped to raise over $17,000 to help fight CF. The entire day was magnificent and the ride itself was breathtaking but hearing a young girl living with CF address the riders before the ride and show her appreciation for the event and then meeting the little girl with CF (a relative of Phil's) at the "Clown" rest stop put it all in perspective. I can only say that I can't wait for next years ride..... :)

    CF Cycle 4 Life

    As you can see, the fall colors were "special" for our Cystic Fibrosis Cycle For Life event. Notice the two clowns on the right ! Series of photos are posted on Shutterfly for your viewing pleasure.


    . . Y'all did SUPERB!  The Nashville Amateur Radio Club who supports almost every bike event in the area said the organization and execution was as good as or better than any and it wouldn't be long before we rivaled the Jack 'n Back.  He planned to write letters to top management at Cystic Fibrosis commending the event.
    . . While y'all were stationed at your rest stops, Gary, Miley, and the young lady with CF did us proud with the opening ceremony.  To top it off Mikal Williams sang the National Anthem perfectly.  It was indicative of what the rest of the event was going to be.
    . . Pat yourselves on the back.  Thank you so much! Only a few more bicyclist could have made it any better.

    Friday, October 21, 2011

    Don't Miss Party on the Hill

    Here's a link to a map starting from Nashville to the Party on the Hill AFTER the Cystic Fibrosis Ride for Life. Photo courtesy of David Irvine.  No, that is not Phil.

    Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    3 Days to the BIG Ride

    WOW! What a great turn out for our volunteer meeting last night! We have a great group of volunteers that are pumped and ready to go! Thank you for recruiting such a great team! You guys are AMAZING!

    I just want to thank each of you for all you have done. We have come a long way since my initial meeting with Gary and Tom! There is no way I could have planned such an organized ride without your support! It’s going to be a great ride and for such a great cause!

    Andrea K. Cook, Market Development Manager
    Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    Deer in Tennessee are bad enough

    Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

    Ride this Saturday - October 22'nd

    . . Your committee has worked hard to kick off the Inaugural CYCLE for LIFE RIDE from Sycamore Springs (click here).  Bruce and Miley have pulled out their BEST route -- one that few bicyclists, including FOGBEES, have experienced.  We have a private beer Party on the Hill after the ride.  We have FOUR great rest stops.  We have a Short and Long Ride.  We have the most spectacular views in our area. We have SAG, EMT's, police support, repair stations, surprises, etc.  on the route.  We have GREAT weather and FALL COLORS are EXPECTED on Saturday.  AND a great cause for fund raising - Cystic Fibrosis.  Contribute a tax-deductible gift and enjoy a great party.
    . . What we need is YOU, and then we'll have everything.

    Times and dates to keep in mind:
    - Oct 18, 5:30: Volunteer Meeting at Gallatin Library
    - Oct 21: Setup @ Sycamore and supplies pickup at Gary's Office
    - Oct 22: 7:30A @ Sycamore Registration
    - Oct 22: 8:45A @ Sycamore Entrance Road is CLOSED and Festivities begin

    Yes, we have maps & cues.  Get at the ride or send me a request. However, Miley & David Buckman are marking the roads VERY well.

    Saturday, October 15, 2011

    FOBEES Do the First BBB Ride

    The BikeBarbequeBallistics Ride came to town with panache ! Everyone found something fun and memorable about our ride out of Curtis McMahon's playground, Portland, TN.

    Bike ride in Portland. (optional target shooting after the ride) OCT 15

    . .We will start the ride @8:30 from the BBQ Pit In Portland in the morning.

    On Saturday October 15th we are planing a 30 mile bike ride starting in at the BBQ PIT in Portland. The ride will be about 30 miles and there will be options to lengthen if you want to ride farther. After the ride we will eat lunch at the BBQ pit.
    . . After the ride we can to go to a local private range and target shoot. If you do not have a gun but would like to shoot there will be some extra guns for you to use. The shooting will be supervised by a State of Tennessee Certified Instructor.
    . . A side note: It has come to my attention that an individual belonging to another local bike clubs thought that the Fogbees are a bunch of Rednecks because we are going shooting after a ride. I want to let that individual know that we recycle all of the targets after the shoot and no opossums will be hurt or eaten on this ride.

    Directions to the BBQ PIT The route will be posted as we get closer to the ride

    Route Information

    Shooting information.
    • All of the Fogbees are invited to attend Please post if you are planning to attend
    • We will be supervised by a State Certified Instructor
    • If you bring a gun it must be unloaded until you are ready to shoot
    • You must have eye and hearing protection
    • If you do not have a gun there will be some that you can use. You should plan on buying some bullets to use in a borrowed gun. ( .22 LR, 9mm, .223, 12gauge are some of the bullets that will fit the extra guns) If you have questions please contact Bob G. or Curtis M.
    Email if you have any questions

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Tybee Island Update

    Hey, Tom B

    A guys go to do something while waiting for his bride to get all dolled up.

    To all, the good Lord cleared the clouds at 5:30 last night for a beautiful evening wedding on the beach, with pelicans present. 

    Found the ideal place in Savannah today -   The Rubber Meets the Road Bike Shop, next door to the Expresso Gallery Coffee Shop and across the street from the Six Pence Pub where our 30 mile bike ride started and ended today.   Coffee, bike ride and beer with my new bride- life's great!

    Mike and Sherry

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Tybee Island Update

    Saw the sunshine for the first time today.  Still calling for rain tonight at 6:00PM, wedding time.  Finding lots of things to do otherwise.   We even got a bike ride in today.

    Mike and Sherry. 

    Sunday, October 9, 2011

    Tybee Island Report

    Made it to Tybee Island - rain, gusts of wind to 30 mph, no sunshine, beaches closed due to high winds and waves.   2.7 inches of rain on the way.   Sever Thunderstorms for the next 3 days. 

    All is well. 

    Mike and Sherry. 

    Friday, October 7, 2011

    Photo Show to Scottsboro

    Bruce, David, and I would like to share our trip to Scottsboro via a Photo Show.  Please click  and click to view in FULL screen mode. Great photos were provided by Bruce.  Above picture is courtesy of David Irvine.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    Bachelor Party - Thursday Oct 6'th

    Meet at PUBLIX Parking Lot at 5:15PM for a short ride and then brews at the Tilted Kilt.  YES - ladies are invited! Y'ALL COME Video was creation of Gary.

    Team Fogbees at Gran Fondo Gran Fondo

    Update: So far only Jennifer and I have registered for Team Fogbees with Bob Huss and Demetrius expressing interest. Unless we get 5-7 committed and registered, I will just ride as an individual.

    I have registered and indicated I will be riding in the team "Fogbees"I'm looking to recruit 3 to 5 more FOGBEES who might be interested in a team to do the Gran Fondo Gran Fondo 65 mile route on October 9. We need 5 to 7 people to make a team, and (I) really need 3 strong riders that Jennifer and I can draft behind. Actually fast or slow, let' s have some fun and just ride as a Fogbee team, with our Jerseys, and finish as a team.

    Here are the team rules. I would be the "elder statesman' unless a senior Fogbee elite should wish to join :-)

    For those wishing to compete as a team, we are offering a gentleman's race format. Our rules for teams are designed for fun - here goes:

    1. Teams must have five members finishing together. A team cannot be larger than seven members.

    2. Each team must have at least one woman. A team does not have to have any male participants.

    3. Each team must have at least one participant age 45 or older. A team does not have to have any participants under age 45.

    4. The winning team will have the shortest gran fondo completion time for the five teammates crossing the line together. Don't ask us to explain what together means. You will be required to have your woman and your elder statesman finish in your group of five.

    5. Each team must evidence their completion of the designated, marked route by verifications to explained on race day (crossing timing pads on distinct route points, number check off on top of climbs).

    6. Tandem riders may count as two persons of a team.

    7. There is only a Team Competition for the Gran Fondo (65 mile distance) category


    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    MS to Jack 'n' Back photos posted

    Excellent weather, great friends, and scenic setting all combined to make a familiar ride fresh again.

    Jeff Smythe and I enjoyed the Jack 'n' Back by stopping at every rest stop, making new acquaintances, sampling the smorgasbord of wares, and soaking up the essence of what makes this ride unique.

    Watching the sun set over Lynchburg with a Jack on the rocks, a rocking good band, and the best biking club in Middle TN....... it doesn't get any better than this.

    Monday, October 3, 2011


    Bruce put together another one of his EXCEPTIONAL Tours this weekend to Scottsboro, Alabama.  He took over 200 pictures along the way (see FOGBEE Photo Site) and is considering offering it as a FOGBEE trip, if enough of you petition him.  This picture was a view across a soybean field as we entered Scottsboro. Bruce's Tours are why I ride.

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011

    Cystic Fibrosis DISCOUNT

    On October 5'th & 6'th the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is offering $5 registration for our October 22'nd Cycle for Life Ride.  Join the FOGBEE Team.  Your committee has done a great job with this inaugural Event.
    . .  Also, congratulations to Phil Vickery who won the early drawing prize for getting his donation submitted.

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Wednesday Lite Ride

    We are discontinuing the regular Wednesday Lite rides until next spring when the days are long enough that we can finish before dark. Look for pick-up rides when time and weather permit until then. Thanks everybody! We had a great season.

    Stay safe,

    Tommy & Rhonda

    Who's Going to MS Jack 'n' Back ?

    Though our ranks have thinned for the Jack 'n' Back, I'm excited to be participating once more for my loved ones living with MS. Curious as to whom I might do the ride with ? I'm signed up to do the 50 miler Saturday and Sunday. I'll be staying at the Quality Inn in Tullahoma, looking for some company. What are everyone's plans ? Thought we should co-ordinate if desired or possible.

    Looking forward to great weather and a gratifying ride !

    Monday, September 26, 2011

    It's big and fun!

    The most anticipated Halloween party every year is, of course, the Fogbee Party. This year will be no different. You will receive a personal email soon but go ahead and mark your calenders for Saturday, October 29th at 6:30 pm. at Glen Oaks Club House. Details will soon follow but to get you in the spirit I found this old movie clip that I believe was illegally copied by some guy named George Lucas and which made him big bucks..see you there.

    Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    The Fogbee Tee shirts have arived

    I still have tee shirts for the following people.  I am not planning on Riding the next 2 Saturdays.  Please let me know and we can make Arangements for you to get your Shirts.  The cost is $11.50 vs. $10.80 I forgot sales tax
    Bob"s Email

    Ronnie & Ann
    Roger S.
    Ed (I will hold until you are back in town)
    Jason S.
    Tom E.
    Danny D.
    Mike & Sherry
    Curtis (I will bring yours to you)

    Saturday, September 24, 2011

    Shout out..

    I just wanted to give a Hi-Five to the great Fogbee turnout for the Brass Ride this morning and the good job everyone did on the 62 mile course. Way to go!

    Saturday, September 17, 2011

    BRAT 2011 report

     Ridership was up with a total of 300 riders, some like me doing only part of a week but over 200 doing the full week. Despite the many PUC's and a vicious headwind one day, I heard no complaints about the route. SAG and rest stops were outstanding. TDEC rangers did a great job of patrolling the route without being intrusive. Cue sheets and road markings were spot on.   The only slight negative was that some of the small cafe's were not happy when we came in at the same time as their regular customers. However, that was unusual and even most of the stressed places were glad to see us and invited us back.

    The most frequently asked question was "Where are the other Fogbees?"  Next year's BRAT will be in there area between Chattanooga and Knoxville. Another chance to test your legs while cycling in great scenery and meeting strangers who will become your lifelong friends.

    A few Images. 

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    Saturday Ride, Sept 17, 2011

    Click on to enlarge

    BLACKSTONE RIDE starting at 8:00AM at the Blackstone. The Metro Greenway is still torn up, but we can still ride through Metro Center on the roads to connect back up with the Greenway at the east end of Metro Center.

    Short riders can start from LP Field at 8:45AM. The Long Riders will meet at the Short Riders at LP Field. Another start point is in Shelby Park.
    Route OUT (revised)        Route BACK

    Lunch and drinks following.

    See you there,

    Mike Knake


    Tom, Late last night longtime friend, retired schoolteacher and motorcyclist Charles Noble of H'ville sent me an email which included this observation about a group of bicyclists he passed Wednesday evening on Long Hollow Pike headed toward G'ville.  I don't know if this group was our Wednesday evening Fogbee group but the time of day and route suggest that it probably was.  His comments about being visible at twilight provide food for thought and maybe a re-evaluation of what we can do to make ourselves more visible at twilight and at all other times.  If you were in that group that Charles passed, you may remember his mighty fine classic 1968 BMW boxer-twin motorcycle.  Here are his copied & pasted candid comments:

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    Protect Funding for Transportation Enhancements

    Please help save Transportation Enhancements in the Transportation Extension by contacting your Senators today!
     It's easy and takes a minute at the SRTS site. Just click here
     and enter your ZIP code to direct your input to your Senators.

    This year, around $700 million of Federal transportation funds, which is less than 2 percent of total transportation dollars, will be spent on bicycling and walking.  In 2012 that figure could be a big fat zero if Senator Coburn (R-OK) gets his way.

    Thursday, September 8, 2011


    . . It's that time of the year when darkness comes before many evening rides are complete.  This month we have had a bicyclist seriously injured riding at 5:30A and another killed riding at 10:30P.  In the latter case the dead bicyclist was breaking the law with no lights and no reflective gear.  Every bicyclist's responsibility is to GO TO EXTREMES to be seen, especially at dusk or when the setting sun may be blinding motorists.  Here is advice from an Arkansas LCI.

    Sunday, September 4, 2011

    News from the Postman

    For all those wondering about James C, AKA the Postman, he's documenting his trip  to Fort Worth, TX via the NTP on the Crazyguyonabike site.  Click the link.

    Any ideas on  bicycle routes, camping, etc. from Natchez to Fort Worth can be posted here or sent to his usual email.

    Bicycle Stability

    For Tom Evans, Andrew and all the other physicist wannabes.

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Out of Sight but NEVER out of mind.

    Hi FOGBees!
       Just saw your flyer and am looking forward to coming up to ride in it!!!  :o)
       Randy and I have been riding with the Spring City Cycling Club down here working toward their infamous metric century "All You Can Eat Ride" on Sept 17th. (Actually, there are several route distances to choose from..35,50,59,67,109 the last two with some really challenging hills in them)  Any FOGBee who wants to travel for a good ride with some great eats, come on down.  :o)
        We sure miss the after ride fun at Louey's and Sam's with ya'll and especially having Tom sagging my slow butt on some of the rides!!!  (Could have used you 4 weeks ago when 2 pitbulls came out and decided to chase me and then run in front of me.  Bruised and scraped up but my bike was ok!!) I have gotten faster!! :o  Bruce...I don't miss those "rolling hills" LOL!!!...well...yeah, I kinda do!
       Anyway,  we are looking forward to riding your ride for CF and am proud to wear the FOGBee jersey here when I ride!
        See you in October!!
    ----Donna Weidenbenner

    Fogbee T-Shirts Only 3 days left

    Click on image to see enlarged version

    Well it is finally here the official Fogbees T-Shirt. Above are samples of what the shirts will look like and we have not forgotten the ladies.

    I have enough shirts to place an order.

    The cost just $10.80 ea. It may go down if we have more than 25 pcs. If you would like a shirt please post, or email Bob by Sep 5th

    Bob's Email

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    Fogbee Jersey's have arived

    I have jersey's for the following people.

    Mike Kaiser

    Phil & Lisa H


    Please post or contact Bob to make arangments to pick them up.

    Tuesday, August 30, 2011

    It Takes a Team

    . . Participating in the HOT 100 yesterday reminded me how critical the support of a bike club is in the achievement of a great event.  So many clubs in our area have this down to a science.  I spent yesterday afternoon picking Sarah Lovett's brain on how the Murfreesboro Bike Club does the HOT 100.  She has a fat manual she has put together over the years and has taught "Organizing an Event" at MTSU.  She has volunteered to share much of her work.
    . . Many FOGBEES have wanted to have OUR event and the opportunity has presented itself by means of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  Several FOGBEES have already taken leadership positions, but it is going to TAKE A TEAM effort for this to be successful.  I shared with Sarah what has been accomplished to date and she confirmed that we are on track, but please consider getting involved with your club's event.
    . . What we need now is MARKETING.  Few people know about this inaugural event. Even if you are unable to ride in our first Cycle for Life (for whatever reason) - - TALK IT UP.  We hung posters and passed out brochures and flyers at the HOT 100.  CLICK HERE to print a flyer to share with friends, family, business associates, etc.
    . . Join me in being proud of the FOGBEES that recognize the importance of sharing personal time and treasure in our community and making your club successful. 

    Monday, August 29, 2011

    Dog Attack

    I was riding this morning and got chased by 2 dogs on Weeping Willow road. I've called Sumner County Animal Control (452-2400) and reported the incident. The are going to contact the owner and enforce the leash law. If you have a similar experience I would ask you to call SCAC and report the dogs/owner. [Weeping Willow runs into Brinkley Branch rd. It's about the 4th house on the right once you make the turn onto Weeping Willow. The house number is 522].

    This is not the first time there has been a problem with those dogs.

    Ride safe.


    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Wounded Warrior Ride Sept 24th

    I know we have allot of upcoming charity rides, but I have started a Fogbees team for this ride.

    The cost is Registration fee: $25 (includes post-ride Community Picnic and lunch). It is each rider's responsibility to raise $150/each in donations by September 24.

    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Bike/Ped Count - Volunteers Needed

    The Nashville Area MPO will be conducting regional bicycle and pedestrian counts as part of the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project on Tuesday, September 13th. The counts were first conducted in the MPO region (Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, Wilson and Williamson Counties) in 2009. There were 23 count locations in all - 11 in Davidson County and 3 each in the other counties. The counts are totally dependent on volunteers who agree to participate in a brief web-based training and count for one or both two-hours periods on the 13th from 7-9am and 4-6pm.
    We are asking for volunteers who may be able to help. Depending on how many locations we select and the availability of volunteers, we will need a large pool of names from which to draw. Please volunteer by emailing to by Friday, August 12th.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    Congrats to Eric

    Everyone, please be sure to congratulate Eric Bateman. He rode in his first race tonight......a criterium as part of the Nashville Crit Series, and did well. Eric is young, motivated, strong, and has great form. He has a very bright future in racing and I look forward to seeing him develop.

    The Fogbees is a wonderful cycling club that developes both avid social cyclists and racing candidates. I still believe the fastest 25 mile ride I have ever been on was with Gary, Miley, and Mike K. A few of the Fogbees that have gone on to race are:

    Eric Bateman (team to be determined)
    myself (Team BC, Merck Racing, and Team Louisville; soon Team SVMIC)
    Mike Poole (Team BC; now with Team SVMIC)
    Josh Lewis (Team BC)
    Jon Cherry (Team BC)
    Garland Stone (Team BC)

    I have my sights now set on Jason Sexton! Gary has recently informed me that the Fogbees will begin charging a finders fee for all riders that move on to race.........

    Help Launch our Cystic Fibrosis Ride

    . . Members of your FOGBEE Club are working with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to launch a new major Charity Ride.  Committee members discussed it during Bob's Pool Party a couple of weeks ago.
    . . Besides being for a worthy cause, this ride gives particiapnts an opportunity to ride wonderful areas in Tennessee they probably have never seen. We are riding Sumner, Trousdale, and Macon Counties with spectacular autumn views from Drury Ridge. 
    . . After this fully supported ride, we have a Hay Ride to take participants up and back to our “Party on the Hill” served by Demo’s and complete with FOGBEE juice.
    . . I know you want to help.  As a start we would appreciate it if you would share the attached information with friends, family, etc and with other organization that might have an interest.  Put it on your FACEBOOK page! In about a month we will be asking for volunteers to staff the event, again with family, friends, and others willing contribute such a small amount of time for a special cause.
    . . Thanks for helping us launch this worthy endeavor.

    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    Senator Roberts appointed to Transportation Coordination Committee

    Remember Kerry Roberts?  He's the guy that owns bike shops. Well . . .

    (NASHVILLE, TN), August 11, 2011 – State Senator Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield) has been appointed to a special joint committee charged with creating a five-year strategic transportation coordination plan for Tennessee.  The plan will guide the state’s efforts to improve transportation coordination of state and local governments to increase effectiveness and financial efficiency.  The announcement regarding the appointment was made during a meeting in Sumner County which featured Tennessee Transportation Commissioner John Schroer.

    Saturday, August 13, 2011

    Tomato Arts Festival images

    It was a great day. Thanks to Bryan and all the Fogbees for making it so.
    Pictures here. 

    Out of Africa

    I've been gone for quite awhile but I return home this upcomIng week. Hopefully the heat will break and I'll be able to join you. See you soon.

    Friday, August 12, 2011

    Embedding Maps

    If you use embedded code in your POST, click here to read this note. We have had some problems. I have added it to menu bar to make it easily accessible for future reference.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Bike Tires

    . . This info is old for veteran road warriors, but valuable for people who have just purchased a new bike.  Please replace the "Bike Shop" issue ASAP with Gatorskin or Armadillo (or facsimile) tires if you want to reduce greatly the potential for flats.  Those bike shop tires are like vacuum cleaners.  They suck up every piece of glass on the road.
    . . Unless you are in the Glydesdale class of riders and need tank tracks on your bike, buy 25-mm instead of 23-mm tires.  That tiny difference provides a noticeably softer ride. Plus, the 25-mm work much better than 23-mm on hard-pack trails.
    . . Always check tires before the ride.  If you see cord through the rubber or have excessive knicks replace the tire.  Armadillo tires have a wear-indicator. Don't push your tires to the limit. You'll thank me on that 40-mph downhill glide.  Also, be sure your wheel liner is in good shape and properly position over the spoke nuts.

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    A reflection on the joys of Fogbee'ing

    and so..we met at Sams for the Milkshake ride. There were more non-Fogs than Fogs but a lively crew at that. We even had a wonderful lady from the Harpeth River Club scouting out locations for potential rides for later this month. At the WH Greenway came several unknown riders but one who knew of a mystery lady who rode on a tandem in WH and said she worked for State Farm (sherry). Great ride..about 12 of us. We get to Crossplains and sitting at the counter sipping shakes are KJ and Andrew. Where did they come from?..Go figure. The Harpeth River rider loved the place. Headed back..Brian turned towards home (as planned), where's Roger and Andrew and the guy who knew the mystery lady? gone..go figure..Also, lost several non-foggers on a long straight away... the Harpeth rider moved on..several riders went back to find the lost riders..never saw them again..go figure..and so in the end KJ and I head up New hope's raining..KJ heads creep into Sams parking lot..One Fogbee..go was a good day..See you all riding soon..

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    7th Annual HEAT Kid's Triathlon - Aug 6'th

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for volunteering. Many of you have volunteered the last several years and for a few, this is your first time. Welcome back!
    We still have TEN more "easy" course Volunteer Spots available. 
    Spread the word if you know someone who'd like to help out. No experience required!

    Charlene Alcorn, HEAT President,
    FOGBEES: Be in uniform (Charlene wants to see FOGBEE jerseys) and bring your bikes. We'll do the Douglas Bend Route after the TRI.  This will be a LITE Ride, so if y'all have friends that want to join the ride -- WELCOME. Just be near the Tri Finish Line and look for me at 8:30A.  I'll be in uniform.

    Here's the Route  . It's 26 miles. We'll stop at Avanti's after the ride around 10:30

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    Extra Care is Called for.

    David Irvine sent this to me last week after some of us had heat issues with the Red BOILING Springs ride.  However, the thermometer on my computer says 101 degrees. That's not feels like; that's RAW heat.  I enjoy the LITE ride on Wednesday, but the weather has been a continuing issue.  When temperatures get this hot, bicyclists make bad decisions (such as riding in this heat).  BE CAREFUL.

    Monday, August 1, 2011

    Nashville MPO Announcement

    Announced today: An extremely important pedestrian safety project for Nashville. Hat-tip to Bike Walk Tennessee for their advocacy efforts in getting the need for sidewalks along this dangerous corridor (with high transit use & low vehicle ownership) on the radar of decision-makers.

    Sunday, July 31, 2011


    I may be out of commission for a little while. Moving along at about 25 mph on the fast S. Mt. Pleasant Road today, a pickup pulled out from a driveway right in front of me. I got on the brakes hard, scraping the rear rubber down into the plies, and tried to maneuver but still slammed into the front fender and planted my face into the hood. I now have 6 stitches in my chin, 3 front teeth broken and shoved back, and a stiff, sore neck. As for the bike, the front wheel is a bit out of round, the headset has some looseness and the fork steerer tube appears bent. We'll see what the shop says. Overall, i'm considering myself fortunate that it wasn't worse. I hope to get back on the road with you all soon. Please ride safe and alert!

    Saturday, July 30, 2011

    Just a Reminder (:

    My little cousin, Gabrielle, would like to encourage all of the FOGBEES to participate in the October 22 first annual Cystic Fibrosis bicycle ride. Please take a moment and log in on the Tn CF site to register as a rider or contact Andrea Cook to volunteer for this FOGBEES sanctioned / sponsored charity ride.